Defending WT changing Doctrines

by stillajwexelder 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Scientists would welcome a well researched article contradicting an earlier belief. No matter how much research you do to prove that the JW's have made mistakes they will not listen. Instead they will tell you that you are weak and need help. That you must not run ahead of the FDS. Can you imagine if doctors and scientist did the same, we would still be getting "bled" to cleanse the blood of many illnesses.

    If the FDS had to listen to other point of views and adjust when they saw that they were wrong, the JW's would not be a cult and they would not believe in half the rubbish that still gets taught today.

  • AuldSoul


    divine inspiration

    They don't profess divine inspiration, in fact they directly state they do not have divine inspiration. They profess spirit-direction, or guidance of spirit, or spirit motivation. Which ... is ... divine inspiration.

  • slimboyfat

    I think if Witness doctrines had a pattern of changing on the basis of genuine research people would not mind so much.

    But take the 'generation' thing. Did they really change that because of some new research on the meaning of the Greek word for 'generation', or because the passage of time painted them into a corner? Did even the most loyal Witness buy into the whole 'new research suggests' explanation?

    Plus insider reports on the internal response over issues such as alternative service (which eventually did change) and 1914 (which did not) suggests that factors other than the pure merits of the case are brought to bear on the decision making process.


  • stillajwexelder

    But take the 'generation' thing. Did they really change that because of some new research on the meaning of the Greek word for 'generation'

    No I agree the ydid not -they changed because they were forced into it by passage of time

  • dedpoet
    Archaeologists will change a theory based on a new find. So will Historains. So will Scientists

    The key word there is "new", something they hadn't seen before, or as in the case of scientists, maybe something not previously invented.

    The watchtower, on the other hand, claim to follow the bible as their textbook. There hasn't been anything new in there for 2000 years. As for the bs the wts spew out about "progressive understanding", that's just an excuse to change a doctrine when the sands of time run out on it, as with the generation idea that they had to abandon in 1995, before all those around in 1914 died off.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    I'm sure your question is rhetorical, but:

    1- They claim they are God's exclusive earthly source of enlightenment

    2- They claim that God is unchanging

    3- They regularly change their tune.

    BA- Has a problem with their "logic".

  • greendawn

    Religious guides like them who claim divine appointment and direction are different from scientists. To begin with in matters of doctrine that can mess up people's lives they should get right them from day one, it's unlikely that god would misinform or underinform his chosen channel on such issues eg the blood doctrine which is constantly changing after having brought death to thousands of dubs even children. If they can't get their act right from the beginning they shouldn't claim such a lofty and grandiose religious office: god's only plenipotentiaries and guides in spiritual matters over the whole of mankind. That's almost like going beyond the pope.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    It wouldn't be so important if they didn't insist that they alone are the only ones who know truth. How can you really know they have the full truth (or even just enough of it) if it has changed so many times?

  • Mary
    So what is so wrong with the WTS doing some research and changing a doctrine.? It is the same in other disciplines.

    Scientists and Archaeologists don't tell you that God is working only through them and that you must obey them, lest you suffer eternal destruction. They don't tell you to shun family and friends who don't agree with what they say; they don't tell you to forego university or making something of your life; and finally, when they re-vamp their beliefs theories, they don't point a finger at the public and blame them for "reading too much into" what they had originally said.

  • greendawn

    The problem with the GB of the JWs is that they are very fiddly. To begin with they say the FDS is made up of 8000 people (some are nutjobs to be sure but some are very sincere) yet in practice they make up the FDS. The fact that they refuse to listen to advice and suggestions from others is very damning since often what others have to say amounts to correcting serious errors before they can cause more harm. The GB will reply by expelling anyone making such helpful suggestions because they believe they have an exclusive god given right to (1)formulate doctrine and (2) correct it if and when they (and they alone) decide it's wrong.

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