"• Men with vasectomies can't be an MS or Elder "
are you serious! where did they scratch that one out of, my goodness, I do learn alot of new things everyday!
Well they can but, you can't tell anyone or promote the idea in the congergation.
by stillajwexelder 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"• Men with vasectomies can't be an MS or Elder "
are you serious! where did they scratch that one out of, my goodness, I do learn alot of new things everyday!
Well they can but, you can't tell anyone or promote the idea in the congergation.
They used the OT account of Onan, spilling his seed on the ground. Which doesn't actually happen w/ a vasectomy, of course. It does happen with the use of condoms, but I have a feeling many appointed "servants" (read: Overseers) use condoms freely.
If the point of Onan's account was that sex is only for procreation (which was not the point, but for the sake of discussion) then ALL forms of birth control are in violation of God's will.
But they choose to make an issue of vasectomies, for some strange reason.
They can do it if they are honest and straight forward.
But they won't do it because they have set themselves on high and claim that they are the "channel". Therefore they don't make mistakes. Their doctrines and methods of compliance and enforcement have ruined the lives of many. They can't admit that they did or thought anything wrong or they lose their legally protected position.
Change is good!
But change reveals one fact. That what you were teaching previously was based on something which was too ambiguous to be sure about in the first place.
The question to ask then is, is that how you presented your previous teaching? As being too ambiguous to be sure about? Allowing lattitude for differing opinions on the matter? Or did you present it as absolute "fact", disallowing other possible opinions on it?
No matter what "types" of doctrines have changed, the situation reveals that the WTS imposes authority where they should back off...
There's the crux of the matter.
To change doctrine is too damaging and weakening to the power structure of the organization. Once you present yourself as the one only true religion on earth under god's guidance and
direction, you can really understand the difficulty of changing any doctrines. it would in affect reveal the infallible human facture and would expose corruption. A magician that creates an
illusion never willingly wants to expose how the illusion is created. After all The Truth is in fact an agreed to set of lies that created a kingdom for man, so don't fool with it or you may lose it.
Old ignorant uneducated men with the power of God in their hands is never a good thing for humanity and never will be.
Malichi 3:6 6 “For I am Jehovah; I have not changed. And YOU are sons of Jacob; YOU have not come to YOUR finish.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
So has God changed his way of dealing mankind or has God and Christ changed or didn't they ever really have them as Their leaders of the religion?
We still don't believe the typical nonsense taught by churches: Trinity, Immortal Soul, Hellfire, Christian soldiers, Purgatory, Once Saved Always Saved, etc.
You don't believe in the Trinity, but you believe Jesus is Michael.
You don't believe in the immortal soul, but you believe that people will live forever after Armageddon.
You don't believe in Hellfire, but you use the same fear tactics by threatening folks with destruction at Armageddon and never seeing their dead relatives again.
You don't believe in Christian Solders but believe the women serving Jehovah are "a large army."
You don't believe in purgatory, but you disfellowship members and tell them - and those who simply leave - that they'd better get back in before it's too late or they're screwed.
You don't belive Once Saved is Always Saved, but you teach that all one has to do is stay faithful to the organization (where's Jesus?) and they will survive the end of the system.
So, tell me: Who's cornered the market on nonsense?
In chemistry in 1975 I was taught that HSO3 with a positive charge was present in concentrated sulfuric acid and was involved in the reaction mechanism of sulfonation. Now I know that it is SO3.
do you want a chemistry lesson buttlite? It was illustrative that things/learning etc change. WAM BAM THANKYOU MAM