Nation of Islam told to listen to Rutherford?

by blondie 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    The Nation of Islam began in 1930 with the arrival of Wallace Dodd Fard to the black ghetto of Detroit. To the black underclass, Fard presented himself as a merchant allegedly from “the holy city of Mecca.” He sold silks, hats, and other artifacts allegedly imported from his homeland, though Elijah Muhammad once stated that Fard was not a silk peddler but a tailor of custom-made clothes.[3] Poor black families would invite Fard to their homes, where he who assumed the role of a Muslim teacher, reading to them directly from an Arabic edition of the Qur’an.[4] At the dinner table Fard warned his hosts against pork, polished rice, and other foods: “Now don’t eat this food, it is poison for you. The people in your own country do not eat it. Since they eat the right kind of food they have the best health all the time.”[5]

    In various ways Fard undermined his hearers’ faith in Christianity and the Bible, which for generations had sustained downtrodden black families. He encouraged his followers to listen to radio broadcasts of Jehovah’s Witness president Joseph Rutherford, whose rallying cry at that time was “Religion is a snare and a racket.” Fard also used Jehovah’s Witness literature to teach his followers that the time of “Gentile” (i.e., Caucasian) domination had come to an end in 1914; that the resurrection of the “so-called Negro” had already occurred as a mental and invisible fact, and that the coming New World was just around the corner. In just a few years, he claimed, the oppressed black man would receive the kingdom and the New World would arrive by 1936 at the very latest.[6]

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    how weird


  • blondie

    That's what I thought. Maybe JWs have more in common with the black man in the suit and bowtie on the corner with his Islamic literature.


  • Zico

    'Fard also used Jehovah’s Witness literature to teach his followers that the time of “Gentile” (i.e., Caucasian) domination had come to an end in 1914'

    I thought JWs didn't teach this till 1943, after Rutherford died? Didn't Rutherford believe this happened in 1874?

  • blondie

    Actually, there is difference between the end of the Gentile times and the Christ's presence and reigning in heaven. 1874--presence, 1878--Christ started to rule in heaven, 1914--end of Gentile Times.

  • proplog2


    Now that is the main reason I am on here. Interesting tidbits like that.

    I gotta send this down the tube to some people.

  • nvrgnbk

    The Nation of Islam also believes that when it really hits the fan the mother ship will come to earth to rescue the faithful. 100% serious. Check it out.


  • willyloman

    The Nation took a little of this, a little of that, for its own religion. Much like the JWs (and many others).

  • jgnat

    Kewl! I love your trips down memory lane.

  • magoo

    .............maybe that's why michael jackson is becoming a " member of the nation of islam" it's just close enough to the jw fluff he was raised in....except the disfellowshippings,shunnings,protecting pedophiles, door 2 door work, 500 meetings a week, etc,etc,etc,


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