Nation of Islam told to listen to Rutherford?

by blondie 12 Replies latest jw friends

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    Here are some excerpts from the Islamic Invasion by Robert Morey: Early life Elijah Muhammad was not always known by that name. He was born on October 10, 1879 under the name of Elijah Poole…….. Elijah’s father was a Baptist pastor who sought to raise his children in a Christian faith. A Fateful Meeting After moving from his native state of Georgia to Detroit, Michigan in 1931, Elijah Poole came under the influence of a colorful religious teacher by the name of Wallace D. Fard. Wallace D. Fard Not much is know about Fard except that he was a peddler of “African” who claimed to be a brother from the East. Some black Muslims claim that he was born in Mecca but they have never produced any documentation to prove this. Seeing to give his followers an African Identity and pride, he urged them to renounce there birth names and to adopt Muslim names such Muhammad…………….. The Watchtower and Islam The source of much of what Fard had to say about the Christian Church and its doctrines came from the teachings of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society…. The Watchtower’s denial of the Trinity and its reduction of Jesus to mere humanity laid the foundation for Fard to introduce his unique brand of Islam. Going from house to house using Watchtower literature Fare tore down his black followers’ faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The White Man’s Religion Having accomplished the first part of his task, he introduced Islam as the next logical step to get away from Christianity, which he mocked as ‘the white man’s religion.” Of course, since Fard was himself a white man, this would lead one to conclude that the Nation of Islam was just another “white man’s religion” also. It is interesting that black Muslims today are following the religion of a white man whom, like in the days of slavery, they call him Maser Fard Muhammad” Black Racism Fard taught that the white race was a “devil” while the black race was divine. He went so far as to say that black people were gods because they are black” This, of course, would mean that Fard himself was a “white” devil. ………..

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    Sorry this didn't come out in the format I typed it. I couldn't even past it on Internet explorer so I opened the forum from Firefox

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    I see some typos. Should say African clothes and further down that they referred to him as Master Fard

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