Were there any bizarre PO/COs?
by badboy 13 Replies latest jw friends
I wouldn't call him bizarre but we had a CO who wasn't like the usual ones we had. He was single for a start and quite effeminate. He was always immaculately groomed and expensively dressed in designer suits. Normally we had married CO's who had their suits donatedto them. The main reason i remember him is because my mil used to flirt non stop with him and it used to really annoy me! Though i think she would have been quite safe from him..
Jack Danley,
A complete freak. Anyone from Southern Ontario will know what I'm talking about....
Brother Apostate
Br. Archibald. (CO)
An ex-navy captain or somesuch from Scotland, with a thick brogue.
He'd literally FORCE magazines on householders, then, after they shut the door, sincerely believe they showed interest, and would tell you to "make sure you follow up with a Bible Study".
He was from another dimension, I swear. What a trip. Clueless.
BA- Thanks for the reminder!
In southern California in the mid-90s we had a circuit overseer. I totally forgot his name.. but never forgot the way he opened his prayers.
He sounded like he was trying to channel Jehovah's spirit or something he would open it up like:
"Jeeeeeeehhhhhhhoooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh! Our beloved father in the heavens"
Lol! No joke he held the name Jehovah for like 15 seconds. Needless to say I wasn't the only one laughing at this comedy either.
Br. Apostate. You mention a Br.Archibald was this back in the seventies. We had a C.O. by that name and he got killed in a head on collision. I wonder if it is the same guy.
Billy Ford. From a southern state, not sure which one, but he always wore red suspenders, and used to tug on them when he spoke.
roflcopter: That sounds like Charles Sinutko, whom I always thought was an arrogant ass.
Hey XJW4EVR..Do you Rmrmber CO Wheeler? Bald Man?
Wheeler was cool. We had him first in Red Bluff, CA, and then back in New Mexico. I liked him. I remember own talk he gave about Elisha calling out the bears to eat the teens that kept taunting Elisha with the, "Go up you bald head, goup!" line. No, one in the Hall knew how to react, until Wheeler stopped and looked up, as if referencing his own bladness, and then the Hall broke out in peels of laughter.
Where you still in New Mexico during Ray Harriman's tenure? 1988-1990? He was my favorite C.O. ever. My dad said Harriman reminded him of Vizzini from The Princess Bride.
Ray Harriman had a great comic presence on the stage. He immediately swept aside the usual fears people had about the circuit overseer being too stuffy. I wonder if he's been toned down since the 1980's, with the increased emphasis on uniformity (i.e., instructions from the society to refrain from humor on stage)?
He was my C.O. when I was baptized in 1977. (D'oh !!)
Then when traveling through New York in 1981, I came across him again when he was visiting the hall in Babylon on Long Island, New York. He made jokes about getting out of Babylon, and how although his name is Harriman he was not a "hairy man" (being bald as he was).