I liked him. I remember own talk he gave about Elisha calling out the bears to eat the teens that kept taunting Elisha with the, "Go up you bald head, goup!" line. No, one in the Hall knew how to react, until Wheeler stopped and looked up, as if referencing his own bladness, and then the Hall broke out in peels of laughter.
He did that in our hall too... He was my favorite. Could be because I climbed Sandia Peak with him. I was about 8 or 9 years old...Maybe a year older. Yeah from the bottom. It was so cool. Boy did he catch a lot of flack for getting us kids out of the house. We had a blast. Probably one of the best times of my youth, that day was!
Where you still in New Mexico during Ray Harriman's tenure? 1988-1990? He was my favorite C.O. ever. My dad said Harriman reminded him of Vizzini from The Princess Bride.
I got in sooo much trouble for making that same reference. That is really funny. I used to imitate him for the kids in the hall. Then I had to hear the talk about , "Go up you bald head,!" He would put his hands up and ask "What?" Just like Vizzini. He was pretty cool too! I like those two!