Best Diet For Women

by sammielee24 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24
    sammielee24's been decided..after mega studies it has been confirmed that the Atkins diet works faster and is the best for women. It lowers blood pressure and cholesterol and has been a factor in regulating blood sugar levels. I'm not sure about for men but I do know both men and women who have used this diet and it worked really well for them. The key for them, was to start implementing carbs into their diet afterward and choose those carbs wisely in the form of vegetables and/or fruit instead of breads. sammieswife.

  • ButtLight

    It definately works.....if you can stay on it. No alcohol for the first two weeks helps speed it up too. It just gets boring after awhile. Works good for men also!

  • avidbiblereader

    Perhaps but only short term as there are no long term studies done on what it does to your organs, still the best way to lose weight is diet and exercise.

    I once heard it put this way-- Losing weight is like riding a bike, if either tire is flat how far will you go?

    You need diet with exercise, find out what your resting rate of calories you burn and then eat higher amounts of protein and be sure to burn more calories then you eat, slower is better in this process and always remember the most you lose is the first couple of days into a week and most is water retention.

    By flushing your body with plenty of water- at least half your body weight in oz. Ex 150 lbs should drink at least 75 oz a day, you will remove not only fat but more importantly toxins from all the junk we eat, drink and breath.

    Eat 5-6 times a day with about 250-300 calories at each meal and be sure to watch your fat, carbs and be sure that they are complex carbs, by eating this many times your body never gets the signal to shut down and start to conserve your fat stores. You will rev up your metabolism both by diet and exercise.


  • reneeisorym

    I'm on the 3 hour diet. Its awesome to me. You eat 6 times a day. Its different for your weight but if you are 150-200, you eat 400 calories for breakfast, 100 for a snack, 400 for lunch, 100 snack, 400 dinner, and 50 snack. You eat no later than an hour after you wake up and then eat every 4 hours after. Each meal is balanced with 3 oz of meat (or beans/tofu... vegetarian options), a half of a plate of veggies and a rubbix cube size of carbs. Its really easy because there food lists in the book.. suggestions at a lot of popular food chains for meals, and also recipies.

    It makes me feel great and you loose weight at a steady 2 lbs a week. You end up getting used to the diet and not tired of it. It is like a lifestyle change and a pretty easy one. (compared to most diets) If I am about to die for french fries, I can always put them in a meal assuming I don't eat too many to end up over 400 calories. I also get to eat rice crispie treats between meals! :)

  • greendawn

    I personally don't agree with the Atkins approach, it is not carbohydrates as such that cause problems but eating too many of them yet Atkins has made them into some sort of poison. At the end of the day the only way to lose weight is by reducing calory intake to below calory expenditure. Some studies show that eating too much protein can be harmful.

  • jaguarbass

    Diets are tough, but if you don't want to be overweight you have to do something. I lean towards what avidibible reader says. 5 to 6 small meals and exercise, For me a man 5 foot 10 to weigh 180 I have to keep my calories down to about 1800 a day thats with 5 hours a week hard exercise and a job where I am on my feet walking 8 hours a night. Its a constant battle.

  • looking_glass

    the prob w/ that study was that it only followed the women for a year. in most studies to gauge it accurately, you have to study the subject for 2 years and post diet to see if they maintain it. yeah, atkins works and is not the bad bad diet that some claim it to be, but all things in moderation.

  • candidlynuts

    the above is a good diet management /support to join.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    It's a perfect diet for a diabetic like myself to be on. I've had friends ask me in the past about my diet and I've told them about Atkins. When they tried it, they lost weight at first and then hit a plateau they couldn't get past, even with exercise. I've discovered that the reason for this is because protein digests much more slowly than the fruits and veggies and one has a tendency to have clogged plumbing. Regular "dates" with M.o.M got rid of that problem for me.


  • rassillon

    Everybody's different.

    It is short sighted to think one diet will work for everyone.

    How peoples body chemistry reacts to simple and complex carbs or protien or fat varies widely.

    Calorie in calorie out is a false theory. Everybody has a friend that can eat 5000 calories a day and never gains an ounce. While you have a person eating 900 calories and gains.

    Eat healthy. Eat in moderation. Eat foods as close to their natural state as possible. Eat what makes your body feel good (not what makes you feel good emotionally). Eat plenty of fiber. Drink plenty of water (but not too much).

    The only constant is exersize. Get plenty, your body will tell you when to stop, this is a considerable time after your mind tells you to stop. Start by using the largest muscles in your body first.


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