Well Now I will tell the rest of the story...

by Sparkplug 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug

    Because at some point you have to laugh like you are dying

    My mistake was getting out of bed today is all I can make of this.


    So I get up and go to work. First thing I get a call from the psych for my mom while on the clock (mind you in the cubicle, trying to be hush hush) asking me my moms history....at work?

    How many times was she married, twice?
    Decki says:
    Decki says:
    5 times

    Was you dad the first husband?Decki says:
    no never married to my dad

    You said your family is multicultural was your dad the caucasian?Decki says:
    Decki says:

    And your brother
    Decki says:
    indian...dot not feather

    And he is your moms 1st .Decki says:
    no, not my moms.....adopted

    Decki says:
    1st is caucasian
    Decki says:

    Decki says:
    2nd is indian girl
    Decki says:
    he is moms 2nd husbands mistresses bastard that she was going to get rid of

    Decki says:
    my mom adopted
    Decki says:
    then she had me

    So who is the third?Decki says:
    We dont talk about the third

    Why not?Decki says:
    he screwed animals

    Oh my
    Decki says:

    And the fourthDecki says:
    we dont really talk about him either

    Why not?
    Decki says:
    he screwed us kids


    Decki says:

    And the 5th?

    Decki says:
    we hate him
    Decki says:
    we dont let him see her
    Decki says:
    he is crazy

    Why so?
    Decki says:
    I suspect he is a serial killer
    Decki says:
    maybe a canibal
    Decki says:
    he is pretty freaky
    Decki says:
    snorts garlic juice up his nose for fun
    Decki says:

    So that is only 4 kids?Decki says:
    Decki says:

    But you said 7?Decki says:

    But only 3 she gave birth to?
    Decki says:

    And 3 are by marriage?Decki says:
    yes,and 5 are indian,dot not feather,and 1 is black,and one is caucasian

    So your mom ...what is her diagnosis?
    Decki says:
    she has worms

    What?Decki says:
    Decki says:
    she thinks she has worms
    Decki says:
    so she picks
    Decki says:
    but maybe she does
    Decki says:
    she has spots where she cant reach
    Decki says:
    maybe her mind gives her them
    Decki says:
    Decki says:
    she's been suicidal

    How many times?Decki says:
    ohhhh.... pick a number

    Has she been locked up?
    Decki says:
    when hasn't she?

    Is she on meds?Decki says:

    What kind of med?
    Decki says:
    What kind isn't she?

    And that is how the call went more or less. Then the regular doc calls, and it starts over, and then the nurse calls, and the new therapy person, and on and on...and finally knowing I have about 4 of these to go....I go home.
    (actually to see her) She is doing better. Wheeling around and trying to cheer people up. So I think I will go to Walmart and get her pants that fit. For she needs some that are more comfortable.

    Well last week I used my debit card at a store and the store had the card numbers and pins stolen and the bank cut my card off and issued another one. I should have a new debit card in about 10 days for no fault of my own. I have to use checks or cash till then.

    Soooooo, I go to the store and shop. I find a lady that looks her size, ask her what size she wears in pants. Then I check out old lady boobs and ask about and get a feel for what size shirt she wears. It takes me about an hour. Because my mom has been in the wrong sized clothes. So... I get her some bottled water like she wanted and some sugar free chocolates as a treat, and proceed to the checkout.

    The store will not take my check although I have never bounced a check. When I ask why, they give me a phone number to call. When I ask to use a phone they say no. I won't conform to use a cell yet...so...I have to come home and leave my shopping there, I was soo embarrased and mad.

    So I call and the first time...I go thru all the prompts....an then all lines are busy.

    I wait and wait and go thru all prompts again. I get to my turn...get hung up on.

    I call my bank and they say yes I have money...a bunch.... and that I have to call that number. So I call it again and I get through. Someone has taken my drivers licence number and has f***ed my credit to hell.

    I have to take and send a copy of a voided check and a copy of my drivers licence and such to get it all taken off of just the check reading company and that will take 3 to 5 days.

    That is just for this alone.

    No wonder I have been being sent some strange things that I cant figure out and or trace. They look like account type things that I dont have accounts to. and I keep trying to look them up. I discredited them as junk mail at first, but now I am wondering. I think somebody has my identity. So anybody have any advice? Besides get a copy from equifax, trans~union and esperian. DL office SS office and what Checkright? Anything else?

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Holey Cow, Decki! All that with your Mom's med professionals and now your credit is being f*ked with! How did they access your info, chere? Did you have your ID stolen or did they access your shtuff on the internet or something?


  • OnTheWayOut

    On the other thread, I said I was happy to hear the ups of the ups-and-downs.
    Sad story on the downs.

    More power to ya.

  • Sparkplug

    They have my DL number crossed with someones bad HORRIBLE credit and bounced check history a cOMPLETELY DIFFERENT NAME. I am not sure how it is all linked or if it is a typo or a whole ID theft. I need to hunt it all down and clear it up.

  • candidlynuts

    what a day!! hope you have some nice comfort food around to scarf down!

    here's what i found on identity theft

    Do These Three Things Immediately

    1. Contact the fraud departments of the three major credit bureaus – Report that your identity has been stolen. Ask that a fraud alert be placed on your file and that no new credit be granted without your approval. At the same time, order copies of your credit reports from the credit bureaus. Credit bureaus must give you a free copy of your report if your report is inaccurate because of fraud, and you request it in writing. Review your reports carefully to make sure no additional fraudulent accounts have been opened in your name or unauthorized changes made to your existing accounts. Also, check the section of your report that lists inquiries. Where inquiries appear from the company(ies) that opened the fraudulent account(s), request that these inquiries be removed from your report. In a few months, order new copies of your reports to verify your corrections and changes, and to make sure no new fraudulent activity has occurred. To report fraud, call and write...
    • Equifax 1-800/525-6285 (TTY: 800/255-0056) – PO Box 740241, Atlanta, GA 30374-0241
    • Experian 1-888/EXPERIAN (TTY: 800/972-0322) – PO Box 9532, Allen, TX 75013
    • Trans Union 1-800/680-7289 (TTY: 800/553-7803) – Fraud Victim Assistance division, PO Box 6790, Fullerton, CA 92634-6970
    1. Contact the creditors or financial institutions where fraudulent accounts have been opened – Creditors can include credit unions, banks, credit card companies, phone companies and other utilities, and other lenders. Ask to speak with someone in the security or fraud department of each creditor, and follow up with a letter. It's particularly important to notify credit card companies in writing because that's the consumer protection procedure the law spells out for resolving errors on credit card billing statements. Immediately close accounts that have been tampered with and open new ones with new Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) and passwords. Here again, avoid using easily available information like your mother's maiden name, your birth date, the last four digits of your Social Security Number or your phone number, or a series of consecutive numbers.
    2. File a report with your local police or the police where the identity theft took place – Get a copy of the report in case the credit union, bank, credit card company, or others need proof of the crime later on.
    Your Next Steps Although there's no question that identity thieves can wreak havoc on your personal finances, there are some things you can do to take control of the situation. For example:
    • Stolen mail – If an identity thief has stolen your mail to get new credit cards, financial institution statements, pre-screened credit offers, or tax information, or if an identity thief has falsified change-of-address forms, that's a crime. Report it to your local postal inspector. Contact your local post office for the phone number for the nearest postal inspection service office or check the Postal Service web site at www.usps.gov/websites/depart/inspect .
    • Change of address on credit card accounts – If you discover that an identity thief has changed the billing address on an existing credit card account, close the account. When you open a new account, ask that a password be used before any inquiries or changes can be made on the account. Avoid using easily available information like your mother's maiden name, your birth date, the last four digits of your Social Security number or your phone number, or a series of consecutive numbers. Avoid using the same information and numbers when you create a PIN.
    • Credit Union and Bank accounts – If you have reason to believe that an identity thief has tampered with your credit union or bank accounts, checks or ATM card, close the accounts immediately. When you open new accounts, insist on password-only access to minimize the chance that an identity thief can violate the accounts.
    In addition, if your checks have been stolen or misused, stop payment. You can contact the following major check verification companies to learn more about the services they provide in helping you track your stolen or misused checks.
    • SCAN: 1-800/262-7771
    • TeleCheck: 1-800/710-9898 or 927-0188
    • CrossCheck: 1-707/586-0431
    • Equifax Check Systems: 1-800/437-5120
    • International Check Services: 1-800/526-5380
    If your ATM card has been lost, stolen or otherwise compromised, cancel the card as soon as you can and get another with a new PIN.
    • Investments – If you believe that an identity thief has tampered with your securities investments or a brokerage account, immediately report it to your broker or account manager and to the Securities and Exchange Commission. You can file a complaint with the SEC by visiting the Complaint Center at www.sec.gov/complaint.shtml . Be sure to include as much detail as possible. Or you can write to the SEC at: SEC Office of Investor Education and Assistance, 450 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20549-0213, or call 202/942-7040.
    • Phone service – If an identity thief has established new phone service in your name; is making unauthorized calls that seem to come from – and are billed to – your cellular phone; or is using your calling card and PIN, contact your service provider immediately to cancel the account and/or calling card. Open new accounts and choose new PINs.
    If you are having trouble getting fraudulent phone charges removed from your account, contact your state Public Utility Commission for local service providers or the Federal Communications Commission for long-distance service providers and cellular providers at www.fcc.gov/complaints.html or 1-888/CALL-FCC.
    • Employment – If you believe someone is using your Social Security number to apply for a job or to work, that's a crime. Report it to the SSA's Fraud Hotline at 1-800/269-0271. Also call SSA at 1-800-772-1213 to verify the accuracy of the earnings reported on your Social Security number, and to request a copy of your Social Security Statement. Follow up your calls in writing.
    • Driver's license – If you suspect that your name or Social Security number is being used by an identity thief to get a driver's license or a non-driver's ID card, contact your Department or Registry of Motor Vehicles. If your state uses your Social Security number as your driver's license number, ask to substitute another number.
    • Bankruptcy – If you believe someone has filed for bankruptcy using your name, write to the U.S. Trustee in the Region where the bankruptcy was filed. A listing of the U.S. Trustee Program's Regions can be found at www.usdoj.gov/ust , or look in the Blue Pages of your phone book under U.S. Government – Bankruptcy Administration.
    Your letter should describe the situation and provide proof of your identity. The U.S. Trustee, if appropriate, will make a referral to criminal law enforcement authorities if you provide appropriate documentation to substantiate your claim. You also may want to file a complaint with the U.S. Attorney and/or the FBI in the city where the bankruptcy was filed.
    • Criminal records/arrests – In rare instances, an identity thief may create a criminal record under your name. For example, your impostor may give your name when being arrested. If this happens to you, you may need to hire an attorney to help resolve the problem. The procedures for clearing your name vary by jurisdiction.
  • J-ex-W

    Decki, I had my purse stolen last Thanksgiving (got it returned, thankfully, but not before it crossed state lines). I didn't keep the webpage, unfortunately, but you can google "what to do if you suspect identity theft" or "what to do if your purse gets stolen" or something like that for websites that address this more comprehensively.

    (((((((((( Sparkplug ))))))))))))

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    That is messed up but, looking for the humor in there, that phone call transcript reads like a Dragnet script.

  • Sparkplug

    I have no Idea. I am ok. At this point. I am laughing at it all. It is freaking hillarious. What am I to do besides just clear it up. It is TOOOOO much. I can do nothing but sit down and laugh. There is NO WAY ANYONE has this much bad luch at once. IT has been straight hell since about August of last year. Granted it has been about just as much good in just as much extremes.

    People say that you invite drama into your life or make crazy happen, but for the life of me on about 80 percent of these things I cannot see how I had shit to do with any of it. Like getting punched in my eye. Maybe I should have stayed home. Today..stayed in bed. My mom...No clue. My daughter getting punche? Stick that thing back where it came from..you tell me?

    I am at a loss and now it is time to just sit down and laugh.

    Stick a fork in me I am done.

  • Sparkplug

    Candidly~ Thank you. I am going to print this and this is my new and only cause for a bit. Main goal...clear this all up. I have to. Make sure this is all clear. I am so thankful. You know I could have spent a week trying to track this down I am so disorganized and my mind is shot to heck. My printer is broke...but I am cutting and pasting and putting it to email and walking to library to print in the am...

    thank you.

  • Elsewhere
    Someone has taken my drivers licence number and has f***ed my credit to hell.

    That pisses me off like you would NOT believe!!! I think Identity Theft should carry a MANDITORY *MINIMUM* of 10 years in Federal "Bang You In The Ass" Prison. Also, in addition to paying off all debts, the offender should also be required to pay $1000.00 for every individual event of inconvienice the Identity Theft causes for the rest of the victim's life.

    snorts garlic juice up his nose for fun

    I have sinus issues that cause my nose to close up. My Vietnamese hair stylist once told me that in Vietnam they use crushed garlic juice as a remedy.... just tilt your head back and drip it in.

    I thought, "Ok, what the hell...", so I tried it.

    After about 10 minutes the feeling of molten lava flowing in my sinuses went away and then I started to notice that my sinuses were WIDE OPEN. However that only lasted for 10 minutes too before my sinuses slammed shut worst than they were before.

    Just thought you might want to know.


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