This is I guess geared more toward Bethelites or those in the know. In the endless Sunday meetings I was always facinated by the photographs and pictures in the books and magazines. Is there a large photo studio at Bethel were the pictures are taken? Do they have a prop closet, is there a sister (I would assume there would be no way they'd let it be a man) who does hair and makeup? When they have children in pictures, are they rounded up from local congregations? Was there a lot of in fighting and string pulling to be picked to model for pictures? Was it the same deal for the illustration department? Was there a creative director in charge in coming up with what the photographs would look like, and storyboarding a series of photos to fit the article?
Photographs and Illustrations in WT Publications
by RubyStevens 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
If you watch some of the videos, i think its maybe JWs The Organization Behind the get a few peeks at the process.
Hello Ruby:
Was there a lot of in fighting and string pulling to be picked to model for pictures?
Not exactly. "Prominent" and "mightily-used" brothers and their families are picked by those with authority to do so in the Photography Dept. Talk about status! When you've appeared in a piece of literature you know you've arrived, theocratically speaking that is.
Too ugly for the WT cover,
I watched it ages ago, but I guess I'm looking for less "official" info. Was there a lot of infighting to be a photographer, an illustrator a model for that week's photo? Or in fighting or favor pulling just to work in that department.
Do Not Call
I wondered this too, Ruby. Let's hope someone gives us the details.
By the way, I love your biography in your profile!!
Love DNC XXX -
I know at least one couple that was used for a Watchtower illustration while serving at Bethel. They left Bethel very disillusioned by what they experienced during the early 80s when Ray Franz and others were caught up in the witch hunt that occurred at the Headquarters. They returned home to continue to pioneer. But they shared their experiences with old friends. They were eventually disfellowshipped...but not before they were instrumental in helping scores of individuals leave the organization. I'll never forget their comment to me: "You think it is bad in the congregations, you should see what is happening at Bethel."
So, it is rather ironic that some "apostates" do appear in the Watchtower publications by way of these illustrations.
"You think it is bad in the congregations, you should see what is happening at Bethel." that should made into a video.
Many years ago they used the wife and daughter of an elder in my cong in a picture in the Young People Ask series in Awake. The 3 elders on the Service Committee (I was SO at the time) had to sign off on a form indicating they were in good standing. BTW, the elder and his wife were married by Harley Miller of the Service Dept.
My son was also filmed for a video to be used by the legal dept. This was like 20 years ago. It was very hush-hush but still needed the approval of the Service Committee.
Welcome Ruby Stevens...Skeptic1914
Hi all!
This is my first post, but I couldn't resist this one.
I was at Bethel (prison) for 3 1/2 years and I was a photographer for the Org. It was actually a really cool job. Much better than cleaning toilets or washing the floor of the parking garage.
Anyway... you asked several questions and I'd be happy to answer any more that you have.
First, yes, there is a large photo studio, and it's at Patterson, NY. I worked at the studio when it was located in Brooklyn. When I was there, many of the shoots were done on location at various places at Bethel, or in the surrounding area. They use top of the line Hasselblad photography equipment and Sinar Bron lighting (for those who care). It was all upgraded when I was there. Cost tens of thousands of dollars and no one could ever tell. Although, from a photographers standpoint, it was awesome to be able to use the best equipment on the market!
There is a huge prop area. Bethel makes most of their own props. In fact, anything you see in a painting or drawing is most likely based on a prop that was made, photographed and then used as a guide to paint the picture. As depicted in the "Borg Behind the Name" video, most of the artists have a photo session with props, models, etc. and then use the resulting photographs as the basis of the painting. At least one of the Artists I knew actually used a projector and basically copied the picture onto the canvas.... not very artistic... more like "paint by number".
They also have a sister that does makeup and beards, etc. Of course they wouldn't have a brother do that... it would most certainly mean they were gay, right? Anyway... that was always a fun part for the participants. How often do you get to dress up at Bethel?
All of the models come from Bethel or the surrounding congregations. There is a rigorous approval process to put people in the mags. They have to be the utmost of good standing. I wonder how many were in good standing, got photographed, published and are now disfellowshipped? Hmmmmm.
I never saw any fighting about being in a magazine, but there is the same culture of beautiful and skinny at Bethel as there is in the fashion world. I can't tell you how many times the Art Directors would say they were walking around Bethel, saw a beautiful woman or a handsom man and approached to ask their name because they wanted to use them in a shoot. I often wondered why Jehovah's "impartiality" wasn't applied to the work of publishing. Why did they adhere to the standards of the world? Anyway....
As for how the magazines were designed... when I was there, there was a brother or sister assigned to an entire magazine to determine layout and art direction. That Art Director would assign art to the artists or photographers to complete assignments to their approval, taste and liking and then they would fit it into the design of the mag. Some Art Directors were heavilly involved in each shoot. Others would allow the artist or photographer to use their discretion.
I hope this was helpful. Any other questions?
Let me take this opportunty to thank all of you for the community I find here. I was disfellowshipped in February after 22 years as a baptized witness, 11 of which I was an Elder (up until July '06). I really enjoy being here. Lots of love to all of you. I don't plan to go back.
Take care!
Thank you!, that was really helpful.