welcome and happy birthday!...i think it said so on your profile!
by wormwood 30 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome to the board Wormwood,
Quite a few of us canucks here (many, like myself, are in Ontario). I think just posting whatever's got you a little down will be very therapeutic. A huge booster is seeing how many people can completely relate to your situation.
I have to agree with Nosferatu. Learning how all of the WTS bunk is simply that..bunk..and making a small effort to prove it to yourself, will go along way to eliminating those programmed worries. I strongly recommend the QUOTES archived material that can be found on www.reexamine.org. A fellow canuck put together that awesome quotes website before the WTS sicked their lawyers on him.
But also post the great stuff that happens to you as well (like you begun to do with your career).
I've noticed how disfunctional I am. My views on life, love, and the future are not normal.
Welcome to the dysfunctional club of EXJW's.. Post here for awhile and read other posts, you will get over the teachings you were raised with..
Thanks everybody..I'll stick around.. Anyone live in halifax?
Welcome to jwd Wormwood. It's good to have you here.
Welcome wormword
Stick around, we've many things to discuss,.....eh?
Welcome to JWD, Wormwood. There were some posters here from Halifax. I don't think many of them have been actively posting lately.
Post-traumatic stress sums up postJW life quite well.
Cellist -
I sent you a PM.
Welcome to the board.
Hello there,
I certainly can relate to you,I went threw many of the same things you are,it gets better and this will be a good place to start the healing.
Welcome and yep I'm from the halifax area,across the harbour in Dartmouth.
Welcome aboard, Wormwood .
The best thing about this place is that we know what it is to go through it all. We can talk each others language and people here understand better than anybody from the outside . Stick around, try some of Lady lee's "Best of" threads . Don't be afraid to joke, laugh and cry with us, we have all been there.