Yep. After she spent 25 years in the troof she finaly has come to realize that the Org. is a cult. So I would like to thank the ones who were here when I first logged on and Steve Hassan and Ray Franz. Many grabbing though...u know who you are ;-)
Got my mom out of the cult after 25 years of indoctrination
by What-A-Coincidence 24 Replies latest jw friends
that's great!
what made her see that it was a cult?
I'm so glad you got your mum back!
Well done. I wish I could get my family out. A pipe dream I fear. XXX
Congrats, any details on what issues above all others made her realise after 25 years that this is a cult? Was it the shifting ideas on issues that have caused a great deal of harm to their members such as alternative service, the blood issue, the voting issue (see Malawi), sacrifices made by dubs for a soon to be end that never comes eg foregoing university education etc
That's so crazy. All I can do is hope the same for my poor old mom. She's sooooo sooo dedicated. I just imagine her sitting alone at the meetings without her daughter (me) sitting next to makes me so sad...cuz we have a really good relationship. Ever since I left (a month ago), I miss her emotionally (even though we live together)...she was actually disfellowshipped years ago (like 25 years) when she met and moved in with her boyfriend (my Dad).
Mrs Smith
You give me hope!!! Thanks for the post. I'm a bit of a softie and this post brought tears of joy!
Congrats! Good news. Is she going to come and post here?
Thats great news. It is interesting that Hassan's book helped, I would love my parents to read Releasing the Bonds.