What have the angels done for mankind?

by onacruse 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • daystar

    Following on daystar, also sorcery/medicine and astro-nomy/logy...

    Moreover Azazyel taught men to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, the fabrication of mirrors, and the workmanship of bracelets and ornaments, the use of paint, the beautifying of the eyebrows, the use of stones of every valuable and select kind, and all sorts of dyes, so that the world became altered. Impiety increased; fornication multiplied; and they transgressed and corrupted all their ways. Amazarak taught all the sorcerers, and dividers of roots : Armers taught the solution of sorcery; Barkayal taught the observers of the stars, Akibeel taught signs ; Tamiel taught astronomy ; And Asaradel taught the motion of the moon. (1 Enoch 8)

    Yes, so these "fallen angels" taught mankind many early sciences since God, you know, would not since he, you know, prefers his slaves ignorant.

    So... "True Christians" probably should not ever wear makeup or jewelry of any sort, use mirrors, or dyes. They also should not be astrophysicists since the basis for such comes from the teachings of evil fallen angels and as such should be viewed with as much horror as is sorcery.

  • found-my-way

    Sometimes there are people that come into our lives that help us tremendously, maybe they are angels? not that i believe in that romantic notion, but would be neat if it were true....

  • Warlock

    Don't know.


  • lawrence

    They play their home games in Anaheim! Screwed fair maidens. Visited Abraham when he had no friends.

  • onacruse

    A simple question, isn't it?

    One of those very simple questions that I never stopped to ask myself, but which cuts right to the heart of my (our?) belief systems.

    Related: A brother (Brock) who was one of my "compatriots" in such off-the-wall speculations, suggested that perhaps, since the angels were not subject to the same 'rules' as humans, insofar as 'sinning' was concerned, then maybe they weren't subject to the same punishments as humans, for the same "moral" violations, and that they (these "aberrant angels") would not die unless God directly killed them. Subsequently, he gave a talk about the same, and the one of the elders, impromptu, came up to the stage and announced that what Brock had just said does not represent the WTS doctrine.

    Angelology and demonology permeates the WTS.

    And the incorporation of the Book of Enoch! Now, there's another one of those questions. Jude, quoting from this apocryphal book? Oh, but it's only apocryphal because the Catholic Church so determined? Oh, but it must have been incorporated into the NT because some invisible force "moved" Jude to include it, and perhaps, because some "outside influence" (read demonic/angelic) selected that particular phrase, from that particular book?

  • greendawn

    Onacruse that's the Biblical overall picture of the world hierarchy this world is being to a great degree directed by invisible rulers through some kind of mysterious telepathic process that allows them to profoundly influence the human mind, and in a very refined way. The world is a battlefield between the two angelic sides vying for influence over mankind. But of course angels are very far from being omniscient they are only slightly superior to humans.

  • kid-A

    "They restrain demonic wickedness so that the earth doesn't become an unbearable place to live on and keeps a semblance of order and decency. "

    So GD, I guess they only "restrain" demonic wickedness for a select few? What about babies born with terminal diseases? What about the murders and massacres of the innocents? What about the holocaust? Or was this all somehow part of gods wonderful plan?

    On another note, please define what you refer to when you use the term "semblance of order and decency?" Does'nt seem to apply to Baghdad these days.....

  • onacruse

    greendawn, with all due respect, you didn't answer my first question to you on this thread.

    And then:

    The world is a battlefield between the two angelic sides vying for influence over mankind.

    You have evidence thereof?

    And then:

    But of course angels are very far from being omniscient they are only slightly superior to humans.

    Did I say omniscient? No. I simply suggested that if angels (as supernatural beings, however little supernatual they may be) intended to be helpful to mankind, then they could have at least have informed a human being, here or there, about life after death.

    Of course, there is this possibility: That these angels were, in fact, simply doing what they thought best, coming down to earth and, by reason of their improving the genetic quality of the human race, trying to "undo" what Adam and Eve had "undone."

  • Crumpet
    They play their home games in Anaheim! Screwed fair maidens. Visited Abraham when he had no friends.

    lol at lawrence!

  • greendawn

    Onacruse that's the Biblical viewpoint, we may not like it and it may be spooky but they see us and we don't see them, what's so strange about that? Also we can't expect the fallen angels to enlighten us correctly about life after death or any other issue and as for the Angels of God they follow His instructions they enlighten those that deserve it by their actions. It's not a free for all except up to a point.

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