If so I would like to know your reasoning.
Are JWs Christians
by JesusIsKing 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Depends on your definition of "Christian".
We had a discussion on this board the other day about what the Watchtower Society considers a Christian.
In the most common definition, yes, JWs consider themselves Christians. They accept Jesus as God's son and benefit from his ransom sacrifice.
The WT publications will even mention JWs as Christians.
Where it gets murky is when you compare the anointed class, the 144,000 in a new covenant with Jesus that most of the JWs are not part of. This class is considerd the True Christian congregation. Jesus is mediator only for this class and not for the rest of the beleivers. So that begs the question, if one is not part of that True congregation and one does not have Jesus as mediator, how can one be a Christian?
The publications, at times, contradicts itself by sometimes calling all JWs Christians and at other times calling only the new covenant class True Christians.
So there is no simple answer and I've probably confused you.
If you ask the everyday JW if he is a Christian, he will answer yes and maybe that's the anwer you're looking for.
Sad emo
Some are, some aren't - just like you find in regular church denominations.
My reasoning - I will ask you a question - what do you have to do to become a Christian/get saved?
A Paduan
It is a matter of opinion - but to debate - as a group and in the main they don't participate in charity, and fail to match the accepted meaning
Additionally, christians traditionally believe Jesus to be the Lord - ie. God, as God is
- no one can confess that Jesus is Lord but by the Holy Spirit
I don't even think they know what they are . One minute it's foot step followers of the christ , the next you are a spiritual jew. True they don't believe the christian covenant applies to the great crowd and that the book publishing corporation is actually the ark of the covenant and the church itself is the city of new jerusalem . They do discourage the members from entering the christian covenant by using dogma that tells them not to eat and drink at the "lords evening meal".
The J.W.'s have a different Jesus, not the Jesus of the Bible. Their Jesus is a created being, who did not rise physically from the dead. The J.W.s are not Christian.
A Christian is one who trusts in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
JWs believe you have to be part of their organization and do the works they see necessary. The organization is their God because they listen to what she says and not the Bible. They trust in the organization and themselves to receive salvation -- not Jesus Christ.
Country Girl
jesus says "I am the way, the truth, and the light." he also says that "no one comes before the Lord except through me."
JWs are NOT Christians. The definition of a Christian is to believe in Christ, that he is your only Savior and he is the only way to achieve salvation. The JW's believe that Christ is NOT divine, and that you have to WORK for your salvation.
There is a scripture that says that the definition of a False Prophet is someone who prophecies, and it doesn't come true. We know that the JW's have prophesized this or that throughout the ages, and none of it has come true, therefore they fit the definition of a false prophet.
Undercover gave a great reply regarding what most JW's think about themselves.
One of my best friends, a fellow elder, considers himself a Christian. However, he wants to live forever on Earth and pet lions and screw his beautiful and perfect wife
forever on a non tax paying Earth. So I ask him, "++++, how can you be a Christian and not want to be with Christ?"
My friend doesn't WANT to be with Christ, because he would have to give up ALL the flesh has to offer (sex, pet lions, sailing on an idyllic lake) So different
from Paul who considered everything as refuse compared to the glory offered him by Christ.
So, JW's want the flesh---- the physical things------ Christians seek the spirit------ to be with Christ.
JW's are anti-Christ.
d'oh - I'm a newbie and didn't see this thread, sorry! I just started a new one on a similar subject
in my opinion, this is the single most sensitive subject for JWs - and also the single most important one (indeed, vital)
I have no denominational axe to grind - I have not joined another religion since I left the organisation (I was a JW for 22 years, most of which as a full-time pioneer)
But in all my years as a Witness, I found that just about all of my 'brothers and sisters' did not respect Christ. It is not enough to acknowledge Christ as a Bible character to call oneself a Christian!!
I am happy to say that in all my years as a JW I never denied him once, and I preached him. My father was the same and, as he was an elder and preached from the platform he was terribly persecuted for refusing to demote Christ to the level of an angel and only the one who died for us!! (yes, I was being a little sarcastic there) We stayed around so long because we naively thought we could change things - among individuals and even see some change in Watchtower teachings. Nope! Didn't happen! And we tried, we really did.
I finally left because I realised that not only was Christ not respected by individuals and , Christ himself had long since left. Yes, I think I'd also go so far as to say they are antichrist. In both teachings and the way they live/behave and their attitude/world-view there is very little about them that would identify them as Christian to me.