Is the following statement a lie ,or in the light of the Feb 1st 2007 Watchtower article "Why be Truthful", is it just an untruth?
From the mid-1870’s, Jehovah’s people had been anticipating that catastrophic events would start in 1914Or maybe the reader "wasn't entitled to a comprehensive answer" :
Yes, lying includes the intention to deceive someone. Hence, to speak an untruth unwittingly—such as giving someone incorrect facts or figures by mistake—is not the same as to tell a lie.Every lie is an untruth, but not every untruth is a lie
Moreover, we need to consider whether the person asking for information is entitled to a comprehensive answer.Watchtower 1st Feb 2007
Scans - Revelation Book (2006) page 105, Zion's Watchtower July 15th 1894