Cool thread..I like the nicer clubs..A place you can take your lady out to lunch..Have a fine meal and a little entertainment with the lady your in your life...OUTLAW
For women: your view of strip clubs
by Paralipomenon 72 Replies latest social relationships
For a mature, happily commited couple ,strip clubs can be a healthy stimulus for relationships. My wife has gone several times and never felt the need to ask me. Most likely because I AM NOT HER DAD. And in turn I never asked when me and the guys went to one.
Who wants to spend the rest of thier life with a "parent"? If you are allowed into a strip club it is because you are an adult and deserve to be treated as such by your spouse. If you feel the need to control and manipulate people then go get a supervisory job and spare your spouse the grief.
tall penguin
I went to a strip club (male/female) for the first time last fall with my bf and some friends. Didn't bother me. I actually enjoyed watching the females perform rather than the males. They were more entertaining; better routines.
Overall, strip clubs aren't my thing or my bf's either. But if he wanted to go, no problem. Our relationship is pretty open. As long as we're honest with each other, it's all good.
tall penguin -
Frannie Banannie
I'm reading some of the comments about other posters' experiences inside strip clubs and I thought I'd fill yall in on what it was like for the employees back in the 70' Dallas.
FYI, back then the dancers' salary from the club owner consisted of nada, zilch. The only money the dancers earned was from the clubs' patrons. In order to get "paid" the dancers each had to perform for free on stage about four 15 to 20 min. "shows". Between "shows" we had to circulate among the clientele and sit with them and coax them into spending as much as we could manage to get them to spend on fake champagne. (No alcohol was served in the club, only near bear and setups if you BYOB.) The waitress was the dancers' helper because they helped talk the customers into spending as much as possible and also helped the dancers "dump" the fake champagne. In turn, the dancers' encouraged the customers to give hefty tips to the waitress, because all the waitress was paid by the club owner was $1.84 an hour.
In order to encourage the customers to spend that money, we all promised them the sun, moon and stars. Rarely did the customers EVER find a dancer who followed through on those promises. Most all of us were women with homes, children and/or husbands, just working for a better living. Of course, there were a very few dancers who would follow through on their promises, but they didn't last long. The cops would have put the club owner out of business. You'd be amazed at how many customers fell for those promises and only learned their "lesson" much later, sometimes after 3 or 4 nights spending.
No, it wasn't the greatest way to make a living, but it sure paid the bills and bought the school clothes for our children, etc. And often we had fun.
Frannie, can you post some of your old getups??
My wife was recently watching an episode on Good Morning America, it showed coffee shops that make great money where the servers dress scantily and she said that we should open one up and it is a great money maker.
My response--When I have to exploit women to make a buck, I have a problem and should really consider another line of work.
I wouldn't want it done to my family members, why should I do it to anothers? It goes beyond our physical needs and wants!
Frannie Banannie
LOL, Mini! Nope. But I can tell you about 'em.
One in particular that I remember VERY well was a white costume studded all over with rhinestones. I bought it off another dancer and the first night I wore it, I knew I was in trouble from those briefs. I'm allergic to metal and the briefs had no lining. The rhinestones were secured with metal "findings" from the inside. The next day my cooch had a rash that would have made a severe jock itch look like a mosquito bite. I lined the briefs before I could go back to work. My boss thought it was hysterical that I was walking around spraddle-legged.
The same thing could be said of porn, but it has a lot of do with security in your relationship and not all relationships are that way.
My view: It's an honest profession.
Do I go? I have gone Once I was kicked out, wasn't my fault - but I left with extra cash. Second, I started a fight, my brother and his friends had to help me out with some guy who didn't understand the word no.
I have nothing bad to say about them. However, having a pole at home would be fun.
In this day and age with so many sexually available women, cybersex and nude parties (with or without masks) I can't see why anyone would want to go and spend money on strip clubs.