Stark thank you for your response, but this leads me to further questions or confusion over this whole issue
Ok they are humanly perfect, and even if I allow for the fact that something that is perfect has the ability to be flawed also, it does not stand god in a good light that he needed these two human beings to prove that they loved him. They didnt ask to be created and in his creating of them, he also created 'sin' or the ability to sin. If he gave them freedom to choose; why not let them have just that, the freedom to choose. As a result of needing to be loved, admired, worshipped by the things HE had created he then allowed for them to be sent down a route that would cause suffering, immense hardship, loss of life, tradgedy, sorrow and acts of horrendous evil to befall them and any of their offspring. How can one possibly connect this to a god of love. It makes no sense. It appears he is basically having a game of chess with satan and we are the pieces on his board.
What words of comfort can a believer in this god give to a parent who has just lost their child to a serious illness, to a wife who has lost her husband because of a war or to the millions that starve to death each year?
He is basically saying I created you with the ability to choose but I want to decide how you choose, and if you dont do it my way for some of you I am going to make life unbearable and horrific?
I created you with the ability to sin and if you do sin, despite the fact that I created you or made you that way and you had no choice in the matter, I am going to punish you severley.
How does this add up to a God of love or a forgiving god?