Do you believe you have a particular purpose in life?

by journey-on 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • themonster123

    No, I don't think I have a specific purpose that I was "born" to do x,y, or z.

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    My true purpose in life is to pass on my genes.

    I have done that.

    So everything in between and after is just dessert and living one day to the next, hopefully enjoying and shaping what I've reproduced, and being inspired by or inspiring to all the other reproductions around me.

  • Blueblades
  • FreeGirl2006

    I don't feel pulled in a particular direction. I do have some awesome business ideas that I am getting off the ground. I also want to travel. I am the captain of my journey and I find it just never know where you are going to land, and who with.

  • jaguarbass

    My purpose is to enjoy myself as much as possilbe and feel as well as I can.


    These include a disfunctional mother, a partly functional father, a totally disfunctional family, and a screwed up cult religion. Experiencing them left me handicapped in some areas. The challenges are to recognise them, see how they bound me, release myself from them, fix myself (if possible), and then develop a good life. Not sure if i'll make it

    That would be everyone who was raised a witless including me.

  • journey-on

    I don't want to get too esoteric, but I read something not long ago that resonated with me. Basically, if the intelligent energy that created matter "breathed a spark" of His essence into man, then perhaps individually we are not as insignificant as you might think. We may have become separated from Him in order for Him to experience the material plane through us. That "spark" or soul is intimately connected to this intelligent energy of the spirit plane we call God. If that's the case, then is it so far-fetched to believe that we were programmed when we drew our first breath of life to learn a particular lesson or accomplish a particular goal? And when you have an "awakening" experience, is it this internal program prodding you to get on with what you're here for?

    Am I saying it right? Do you ever feel acutely aware that you are here to either learn a particular lesson in life or accomplish a particular goal?

  • JamesThomas

    Do you believe you have a purpose?

    I suggest that first and foremost there be a radical and acute investigation into this "you" that is believed to be, rather than create drama around a locus that may not actually exist.

    Certainly it may seem to be, but is it true that we are some incomplete-being that requires some additional purpose? Or is all significance found immediately present and complete within conscious Be-ing itself? I suggest taking the first step first, before jumping ahead and making a grand journey.

    Perhaps what already IS, is infinitely more real and fulfilling than any purpose, or any other thing -- not present.


  • journey-on

    I was hoping you would weigh in on this, JT. Having a purpose does not mean you are "some incomplete-being" as you put it. If you believe in an intelligent creator, then you have to admit that God's ultimate purpose is to express or commincate himself/herself through the act of creation. We, being part of that creation and being created in His image, also seek to express ourselves through the act of using our life to create something in this physical dimension. (I'm not talking about a small tribal diety, either. I'm talking about the intelligent energy force that is behind all that is.)

    Please correct me if I am misunderstanding you. I understand that man is body, mind, soul, and spirit. I understand that the ultimate goal is to be present in the here and now and that the presence of God within oneself knows God beyond oneself. I know that knowing who "you" are in reality is the key to this wisdom. But, we were created to exist in this physical world and through our five senses, our thoughts, and our feelings, God experiences His creation through us. So, you're right in that that is all we have to do.....just be present. However, some may be called to create something other....some may feel a higher purpose in order to express the God-within urge to create. Is it so far-fetched to think that each and every one of us is an expression of God's creativity and because of that, we should create something with our life if we feel a pull in that direction. And that, my friend, is also what already IS.....using your life to fulfill your purpose so God can experience your little input in the material plane of existence.

  • JamesThomas

    Journey, we are very close here, and I do not really disagree with anything you said, it's just that there is a little deeper we can go here that dissolves the entire concept of duality.

    Go deep enough, investigate thoroughly enough, and it can be clearly seen that it is not that God created us, and then there is an us creating other things or being creative. There is God manifesting....period. There is no us as anything separate and apart from That. There is no purpose, or goal, other than the wonder of this moment. The only reality there is.

    Perhaps it's just a semantics problem.

    It may look as if I am splitting hairs, but it is extremely easy to remain lost in the mind-generated-believed-self, the false self. The mind tenaciously weaves an identity out of desires and dreams, goals and purposes, fears and beliefs. It's extremely easy to get lost in space, time, and purpose; and so find ourselves reaching out into a illusory tomorrow which steals away the present moment of existence.

    This does not mean we stop creating or doing things. I am in the middle of developing a new consumer product which will take many, many months yet of hard work. Life goes on. The universe unfolds. It's just there is not a isolated little "me" here -- who is doing it or has a purpose.

    When the false ego dies, and the true Self realized, it is seen that you are all existence, everything, just no particular thing. You'll see.


  • journey-on

    Thanks, JT, for the explanation. I've read so many things about killing the ego so that one's true Self can be revealed. Your sentence stating that "there is God manifesting...period" helps to clarify what you were trying to say.

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