Do you believe you have a particular purpose in life?

by journey-on 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • JamesThomas

    Personally, I would not use the phrase "killing the ego"; and perhaps should have expressed it differently than: "when the ego dies".

    It's more about gently and patiently viewing the mind as it weaves it's little ego, or false patch-work identity. When it is clearly seen, it loses it's power. It will show up periodically, but you know what it is, and it's OK.


  • RichieRich

    I know I wasn't given a purpose, but if I got to choose one, it would be to put a smile on people's faces as they walk by, and remind people not to take everything so seriously.

  • free2beme

    Do my best to have a good life for my family and I and die with as little regrets as possible.

  • Abandoned

    Yes, I think each of us has something that burns inside us. For me it's writing.

  • Cass

    I'm not sure, I don't really feel that I was born with a purpose,

    I've always felt that life is so very pointless, but then I've always believed (or hoped most likely) that there must be some overall purpose for everyone as a collective, don't know what or whose it is.

    Anyway, I realise not everyone has such a pessimistic view of this life as I do

    so, I have made it my purpose in life to help other people to be happy and feel that their life means something.


  • bernadette

    I'm finding it very purposeful to feel rested (can't think of better word) in what is true - and express and enjoy from that basis.

  • Crumpet

    No I really don't feel I was put here for a purpose, but that does not mean I cannot have purposes and live a purposeful life.

    Interesting question though because I was just watching an interview with Heather Mills McCartney where she stated that she felt she was here for a purpose and that was to get the media privacy laws changed. How can someone be so disconnected with reality and so madly egotistical is astonishing. She was very proud of this! But I just thought you poor poor deluded woman - and poor Paul!

  • SilverNyte

    Give undivided attention to That which asks the question and the question of what 'others' believe will no longer arise. Realize What gives undivided attention and the endless search for purpose will cease.


  • parakeet

    The purpose of my life is to live it.

  • Caine

    For me my purpose is to serve god, enjoy life, make money and be a father.

    in that order

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