I believe we all want to think that we are very much loved and respected. When we were in the "Truth", we used to say that we KNEW our brother or sister would die for us----if they had to. But in reality who REALLY loves us??? How many intimate "friends" do you have???---------In reality, I bet we don't have even a few. The real friends that we thought we had that were in the Organization proved to not be "real friends" after all. They and even family members might disregard you in a heartbeat if they were told to do so.
Do YOU Think People Actually "Love" You? Are They Intimate Friends?
by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends
I can honestly say, I have no fears in this regard...although, yes, as you pointed out here, those true friends---unconditional-love style of friends---are not from the so-called "Truth." Interestingly, though: They would continue to love and suppport me even if I returned to that hateful religion, even though *I* would be obligated to no longer show love and support to them....
tall penguin
I can count the people who, I can say with confidence, truly love me, on two hands. I am blessed.
tall penguin -
The only one who really "loves" me is Rocco, my bird. I also have one good friend who I can trust.
No I don't think people actually love me, I know they do. I have no idea why they do, but they do.
Xena, I know someone who loves you.
great reply Xena,
like you X I know people love me ,and I have several intimate friends with whom I could put my life into their hands and not worry.
I have always been gregarious and as a result I have many relationships and platonic ones too.
My one girl friend calls Magnet, as I draw people to me so easily. I can in all honesty say that when I walk into a gathering or darts when I played my fellows drew to me. I am a riot to be around. I have been so blessed. I lost many good friends after leaving the organization. I didn't expect them to leave just because I did. But this I know to be factual that several JW have left because of my courage to leave.
So yes Minimus people actually love me... I love them.
What you give to others comes back in dividends.??
luv Orangefatcat
There will always be those people that can develop true frienship and respect whether relatives or not. We only need a handful of these to form our inner circle and be socially satisfied. Just the same there are those that won't really love us unless we are able to offer them things like money etc
I have always been rich in friends. The JW's were always acquantances of sorts....circumstantial at best. But I have friends who I can trust with anything and for that I am blessed.
I think that many persons who THINK they have friends would be surprised if they went thru something that required --------a length of time for them to depend upon their friends-----would those "friends" really be there for them??