The Joy of Sect

by Abandoned 12 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Abandoned

    OK, now I know a bunch of you have to have seen this episode of the Simpsons. It's where Homer gets a tract from some cultists at the airport and decides to attend their retreat.

    The Simpsons are seated around the dinner table talking.
    Marge: "What?"
    Homer: "Come again Marge."
    Marge: "You what?"
    Homer: "I've joined the Movementarians." Homer pauses and points to the rest of the family. "And so have all of you."

  • What-A-Coincidence
  • Abandoned

    Hey WAC! It gets even better...

    Still sitting around the table.Marge: "What?"
    Homer: "All I had to give them was our life savings, the deed to the house, and a commitment of ten trillion years of labor."
    Marge: "I can't go along with this, Homer."
    Homer: Upset. "Marge when I join an underground cult I expect a little support from my family."
    Lisa: "Dad, do you think you might have been brainwashed?"
    Homer: "I have not been brainwashed." Then he becomes rigid and says in monotone, "must kill the girl."

  • What-A-Coincidence

    still ain't done with the DVD set???

    send them to me ... i need to make a cough backup ;-)

  • nvrgnbk
    Homer: Upset. "Marge when I join an underground cult I expect a little support from my family."


    Thanks abandoned.

  • Chameleon

    Haha, I have this episode on my hard drive. "I love The Leader" Sound familiar?

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    I LOVE that episode. My other favorite is "Thank God It's Doomsday" where Homer gets ready for the end of the world. My fave quote from this one:

    Kent Brockman:(to camera) This is Kent Brockman reporting live from downtown Springfield where overweight doomsayer Homer Simpson is predicting the World will Wednesday! Homer, when did you go from town drunk to mad monk?

    Homer: Funny Story Kent, (grabs microphone) IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!! GOD LOVES YOU!! HE'S GOING TO KILL YOU!!

    Sound familiar? ;)

    tall penguin

  • Abandoned

    LOL "God loves you; he's going to kill you." Hmmm, it does ring a bell....

  • Abandoned

    The episode, Homer the Heretic, is awesome too...

    Homer doesn't feel like going to church one Sunday and stays home. He thoroughly enjoys himself and even has a dream where God gives him permission to worship on his own terms. Here are some of my favorite parts:

    The doorbell rings. Homer opens it up and it's the Flanders family.Ned Flanders: "We've heard about your heresy and we've made it our mission to win you back to the flock.
    Homer: "No sale."
    Ned Flanders: "Homer, christian life isn't all praying and sacrifice. Hey dig this."
    Flanders family:singing "God said to noah, there's going to be a floody floody."
    Homer slams the door on them and then it cuts to homer sleeping at work. The phone rings and on the other end is the Flanders family singing...Flanders family:still singing "Rain came down, it started to get muddy muddy."
    Homer hangs up the phone. It then cuts to him driving and the Flanders pull up along side him and Ned signals for him to roll down his window. Homer does and...Flanders family:still singing "Get those animals....out on the arky arky."
    Homer: "Leave me alone." Homer drives off.Rod Flanders: "Dad, the heathen's getting away."

  • Open mind
    Open mind



    This will be a perfect subversive tool to use on my spouse and kids. I think I'll try getting them hooked on some other episodes first and slip this one in.

    Open Mind

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