well, I guess I've been swearing so badly lately that one of my employees told me I had been throwing too many "f-bombs." And it is starting to piss off my husband, so I may have a problem here. My kindest name for other drivers is "asshole" although I have used worse. Otherwise, not too bad, don't drink as I don't like the feeling or the calories, don't do pot as I am allergic, don't do other drugs as they make you stupid. Don't smoke, although as someone else posted, I dream about smoking because my father was a smoker. In my dreams it tastes pretty good, but when I tried it, Yuck.
I've never cheated on anyone, but when I left the org., I kinda made up for lost time for a while. I had a funny experience when my extremely judgemental sister called me on my behavior and how it was a "bad influence" on her already criminal daughters. I said, "you know, I've screwed around a lot, and all I ever got out of it..." pause for my sister to lean forward expecting me to confess my mistakes, "all I got out of it was a GOOD TIME!" Made her laugh and pissed her off at the same time.
now that I am married (14 years now) I am not interested in screwing around, but it was fun while it lasted.