Do you tend to swear and curse now?? Overindulging in drinking?? Smoking?? A little 'immoral' lately???
Any "Worldly" Bad Traits Showing Since You Left The "Truth"???
by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends
D....All of the above and happy with it.
darth frosty
I was cursing at bethel so thats nothing new. As far as worldly traits I have to say yeah. I tend to enjoy myself and have fun now. I am reaping the rewards of my hard work now, instead of some future rewards to come in a future paradise.
We live in this world don't we? I saw some of these traits in the JWs too. I'm pretty well over these fun things though since I turned 71.
Ken P.
Yep, Im the "all of the above" kind too!
I always over indulged in alcohol even when an elder. However, I do use the F word a lot more now. I have also entertained customers in strip clubs now. Last visit was one about 2 miles from Dallas Love Field Airport (ps the lapdance was wonderful)
I drank more as a JW, and my language is about the same. I quit smoking, which I was doing as a JW too. As for immorality, I can't be bothered. My stint as a JW soured me on relationships of any kind.
However, my bird, Rocco, loves getting tummy rubs, and I'm sure JW elders could find some fault with that.
Thinking of Leaving
I can't bring myself to swear or commit fornication, don't really have the desire to anyhow. I think I still want to wait until marriage, the trouble is finding a worldly man who is willing to waitI dunno, I think I'm worth itI still hate to hear people swear and I still hate watching movies with swearing in it.
I don't know why, but this topic made me laugh. I was such a goody two shoes while a JW it makes me want to yank now.
Bad traits? In my stupidity I gave the cigarette international "hi" sign to the organization. Still battling w/the addiction.
Got drunk on two occassions and it felt great! Stayed in; didn't drive. Was only having fun w/a neighbor woman - this was not a free for all party.
Immoral? Absolutely not!! Even though my husband cheated on me I remained chaste. Did I have offers while I was separated? Yes. But I didn't succumb.
Stolen anything? Nope.
I am a good person and I don't need the WT organization dictating to me how I should "be more" than I humanly am able.
Do I like having a good time? You bet. But I have personal integrity. Doesn't mean I'm perfect - who is? But I will forever stand by my values.
I could never understand why someone would start smoking after decades of not.