Well, tomarrow is the big day..........

by ButtLight 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • ButtLight

    The ghost hunters are coming to set up their cams, and voice recorders and such. They pretty much rule out as much as they can before even considering it paranormal........which is good. They already commented on two of my videos......ruling them out lol

    Read comments below the video's



    Should be fun anyway! (I hope my hair dryer goes off while they are in the bathroom lmao)

  • purplesofa

    Have you looked inside your freezer lately?

  • whyamihere

    I can't wait to see if they find something...........

    You should post the funny one of ours that we made - damn kids....lol

  • free2think

    Hope it goes well Buttlight. Can't wait to see what they find.

  • Crumpet

    Oh I'm sure there's no skeletons in your closet! Just in the laundry room!

  • ButtLight

    Ok, at Brookes request, here is part of our screaming video

    Now remember, we had set up coins on a paper and traced them, to see if they would move. So, my smart ass 12 year old decided it would be funny to throw some coins down in the basement!


    Um.........I aint looking in the freezer now!!!

  • DJK

    If they find anything, you should consider selling tickets. Good luck.

  • ButtLight
    If they find anything, you should consider selling tickets. Good luck.

    LOL, yeah, "Butts basement show!" I watched a video on youtube, and a guy that recorded orbs in his basement was told it was dust. So, he decided to leave his cam run down there and when the "dust" appeared, a music toy would always go off, and he said the batteries were dead for 2 years! Even if they werent, It was odd to see a light, and then the toy go off and play music! I should go get one of them my self, I would rather that go off in the basement, than my darn hair dryer up here!

  • jaguarbass

    I work in a Jail. We had an inmate killed in one of the cells a few years ago. Now that cell is always cold, even when the air is off or broke and the door closes by itself.

  • JH

    No matter what they find or don't find, I'm not going in your basement !!!

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