Well, tomarrow is the big day..........

by ButtLight 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • ButtLight
    I work in a Jail. We had an inmate killed in one of the cells a few years ago. Now that cell is always cold, even when the air is off or broke and the door closes by itself.

    My back door opens and closes all the time. So many people have heard it, and look in the hallway for someone to come in, and nobody does!

    No matter what they find or don't find, I'm not going in your basement !!!

    Your such a liar! lmao, you know damn well next weekend when your here, you will be ghost hunting whether you like it or not! All it takes is a few budlights, and the fear seems to dissapear! After din din, and a few games of pool at the bar, of course a few brews, you will be asking me to go down there to see for yourself!

  • JH

    Why is it that each time your cats come up from the basement, they look like this?


    OK, after a few brewskis, I'll go down there, but you'll go first !!!

  • LovesDubs

    I was watching Maury Povich the other day and he had paranormal videos and evp? Something like that...but there was some strannnnnnge shit on there. A voice was saying "Do you have a cigarette?" and "Take my picture."

    Im sorry...that stuff just weirds me out. I take thousands of pictures with my digital camera and sometimes I get boatloads of orbs and then in the same evening I wont get any in the pictures in the same room. So if its dust or moisture...why does it come and go? And why are the orbs always around the same people?

    Good luck with your visit. Anxious to hear what they say!


  • crazyblondeb

    So, what happened?? Or did I miss it somewhere??

  • megsmomma

    Butt........What went on?

    Is it UNSPEAKABLE????

    Don't keep us waiting anymore!

  • ButtLight

    Sorry guys, and gals.......lol I dont mean to leave you hanging......

    Ok, they showed up at 7 pm....set up 7 cams around the house hooked to the computer, and one cam in the basement, not hooked up to the computer. They didnt leave till 2:00 am.........

    They didnt see anything........just walking around, but they said that doesnt mean much. They have at least 5 hours on each cam to look over, which will take at least a week. They did let me join in, which was fun........i will post up a quick clip on youtube, and give the link when its done. Thats the only "light" I saw that I cant explain. It was taken in my bedroom in the pitch black, no night vision.

    As for my videos, they dismissed them as bugs.....they had different colored lights in the basement, and saw small nats flying around.

    Now the fun part? I was video taping one guy and his wife in my bedroom, and he heard a noise coming from my walk in closet. So we both went in there. I told him earlier that sometimes I hear a noise, that sounds like the kid in the movie "the grudge".

    He heard it plain as day, and I hear it on my cam. Then it did it again,,,,,behind me and I freaked out lol. I wanted to move, but he told me to stand still. It happened again, and I didnt even realize it but I whispered " OH Fuc*"!

    Then he told me the chair in my closet that he was sitting on was vibrating, and made me sit on it. I didnt feel anything though.

    So, I guess we will have to wait till they go through all the footage, and contact me.

  • Kudra

    Buttlight (stern voice):

    Videotaping a "guy and his wife in your bedroom".... ..."vibrating chairs"

    What was REALLY going on there?!?!?




  • megsmomma

    Oh thank you for the update!! Whatever is going on.....I believe you totally and it would frreak me out too!

  • Sunspot

    I am MOST fascinated with this subject and have been looking forward to hearing what the ghosthunters had to say!



  • ButtLight
    Buttlight (stern voice):

    Videotaping a "guy and his wife in your bedroom".... ..."vibrating chairs"

    What was REALLY going on there?!?!?

    Ha Ha, after I read what I wrote, it does sound kinda kinky lol..........

    MEGS.....thank you. Now I just have to deprogram my head from the Jw thinking. This "nonsense" whatever it is, has sent me to the Nightmare mode, and it aint fun. I have taken a break from doing any recording for that reason. Paranormal or not, (if you have that "jw bell" as someone else put it on another thread) going off, its still scary.

    So here I was relieved it was bugs in my basement........and now there is grudge noises coming from my closet! Even though I find "paranormal" stuff, if thats what it is, very interesting, its still scares the hell out of me.

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