UNBELIEVABLE! Actual chat conversation with an active pioneer JW.

by deaconbluez 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • deaconbluez

    I say:
    how's david?

    She says:
    good good

    I say:
    still studying?

    She says:
    he's visiting his sis this weekend so i dont get to talk to him

    She says:
    he was never studying

    I say:

    I say:
    i thought he was or something

    She says:

    She says:

    She says:
    he went to 2 meetings and read some of the bible teach book

    I say:
    what was his response?

    She says:
    he doesnt like the teaching that jesus is micheal

    She says:
    is hates the idea of not being able to have facial hair

    She says:
    and thinks disfellowshipping is judgemental

    I say:
    what do you think about the teaching that jesus is michael?

    She says:
    makes sense to me

    She says:
    well some times i get confused but i dunno

    I say:
    so is he under the impression that if he gets baptized and DOESN'T shave his beard, then he will be destroyed at Armageddon?

    I say:
    or has somebody made him think that?

    She says:
    could he get baptized if he didnt shave

    I say:
    i don't know tbh

    I say:
    i don't think so lol

    She says:
    we've never talked about destruction at armeggedon

    She says:
    i dont think so either

    She says:
    because im pretty sure shortly after my dad shaved his beard he was baptized

    I say:
    well with things like facial hair, i think to myself, "its either wrong in Jehovah's eyes or not"

    She says:
    my dad explained well

    She says:
    it well

    I say:
    and since all of God's chosen people of Israel wore beards, and evidence shows that Jesus even wore one...i don't know

    She says:
    but we dont live at that time

    She says:
    most of society makes bears iffy

    She says:

    I say:
    but does Jehovah change?

    I say:
    i'm not asking does the watchtower society change?

    She says:
    i mean society as in the world

    I say:
    because if Jehovah changes, then i can see where beards could be off limits
    I say:
    i know

    She says:
    no because the SECOND the new system comes, everyone will be growing beards

    I say:
    so does it really make sense?

    I say:
    see, its either wrong or it isn't

    I say:
    neatly trimmed beards are worn by respectable people all the same

    She says:
    yes because its from the faithful and discreet slave that jehovah appointed over his belongings

    She says:
    or whatever the scripture says lol

    She says:
    but then whos to say whats neatly trimed and whats not

    I say:
    haha you make me laugh

    She says:

    She says:
    and i make myself laugh

    I say:
    "or whatever the scripture says lol"

    She says:

    I say:
    because we also have to remember how Jesus spoke of those who would teach "commands of men" as doctrines that didn't hold true to his teachings

    She says:
    i dont think of it as a doctrine

    I say:
    its treated as one

    I say:
    it carries consequences and so forth

    She says:
    all i know is i aint a guy so i dont worry about it

    I say:
    plus, the same brothers that condemn beards, used to condemn vaccinations...but now they say its ok to have them

    She says:

    She says:
    they very well could say beards are ok

    I say:

    I say:
    are you being serious?

    She says:
    BUT if we submit to it arent we showing our humility and all that jazz

    She says:
    some bro said something like that

    She says:
    i wasnt really paying attn

    She says:
    hes quite boring

    I say:

    She says:
    it wasnt a talk btw lol

    I say:
    it seems that you don't really check into all this stuff, you just kinda accept it and say, "hmm ok works for me" LOLOL

    She says:
    pretty much

    I say:
    well alright

    She says:
    if it doesnt bother my conscience im a ok

    I say:
    but if your conscience has been molded by inaccurate things, it won't be attuned to what the Scriptures actually say about it

    I say:
    its like taking a trip and saying, "I'm just gonna go by this compass no matter what it says"....but then the whole time, you unknowingly had a magnet under the compass so you weren't getting a correct reading...even though it FELT right, doesn't mean that it actually was

    She says:
    i dunno what to say so ima just agree

    I say:

    I say:
    hey speaking of michael, though

    I say:
    did you know that daniel 10:13 doesn't say that Michael = Jesus, but just says that Michael was "one of the foremost princes". Then at Reveleation 19:16, Jesus is referred to as "King of Kings"??

    I say:
    so doesn't a King > Prince ????

    I say:

    She says:

    She says:
    well no where does it say micheal = jesus

    I say:
    i know

    I say:
    and michael is only mentioned in the Bible 5 times

    I say:
    never as Jesus

    She says:
    micheal isnt mentioned in revelation right

    She says:
    i cant remember

    She says:
    actually ill look it up

    I say:
    i'm not sure

    She says:

    She says:
    the war in heaven, at 12:7

    I say:
    ah ok

    I say:
    but Jesus is mentioned in Revelation, too

    She says:
    now that scripture doesnt make sense

    I say:
    i know

    She says:
    because in the same passage it mentions christ

    I say:

    She says:

    She says:
    isnt the only reason that its believed they are the same, is that there arent two armies of angels

    She says:
    and both christ and micheal are spoken of having an army

    I say:

    She says:
    what u mean nope

    I say:
    we KNOW there are many many armies of angels

    She says:
    wait wait wai

    She says:

    She says:
    i gotta look it up because i swear i read that

    I say:

    She says:
    dont laugh at me homo

    She says:

    She says:
    "since God's Word nowwhere indicates that there are two armies of faithful angels- one headed by Micheal and one headed by Jesus- it is logical to conclude that Michael is none other then jesus Christ in his heavenly role"

    I say:
    but the word is plural in the scriptures

    I say:
    and in the Greek

    She says:
    what word

    I say:
    for armies

    She says:

    I say:
    all through the book of revelation when it describes armageddon and the heavenly forces being led

    She says:
    yea i know, ive seen armies of angels lol

    I say:
    so it doesn't make much sense

    She says:
    well we'll find out one day

    I say:

    She says:

  • Mystla


    That whole conversation is sad/funny.


  • Chameleon

    that chick is going to "lol" her life away.

  • DoubleVision

    Thanks for sharing Deaconbluez

    You asked good questions with out being harsh or mean. Perfect!

    It made me think of myself just going through the motions and not really understanding,

    even though I thought I did.

    Hopefully something will spark in her to see the real "truth".


  • UnConfused

    she's no worse of than any of us were. Keep chatting with her if you can. THe life you save, might be hers.

  • Abandoned

    Hey buddy, good job. Hopefully she'll start thinking for herself one day. In the mean time, you've given her brain cells a bigger work out in a few minutes than the stupid watchtower sociey has done in all the years they've enslaved her.

  • under_believer

    What's very telling for me (and I see this all the time with Witnesses) is that she doesn't really care whether the beliefs are true or not, they don't really affect her one way or the other so it's not a big deal.

    My wife is exactly like that.

  • bernadette

    You kept it light and conversational - its hard to be patient

  • Riley

    Man, I love reading these old beard threads.

    I just saw the biggest dickhead elder in my former cong with a beard. I know a guy who was studying to be a JW but had a beard and as told he couldn't progress any further with facial hair. All the elders got together and had a meeting about it. After maybe 5 years of attending off and on, he finally just threw in the towel over his issue.

    This was only maybe 2 years ago, not like it is ancient history.

  • joe134cd

    I wonder what she would think now. With all that has happened.

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