Christians - Does a JW baptism count as Christian?

by AK - Jeff 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • moshe

    I joined a Southern Baptist church after I left JW's in 1988 and they did a new Baptism- I wrote them a letter 5 years ago to remove me from the membership rolls after I converted to Judaism. I had to have a Mikvah ceremony to convert to Judaism, too. That makes three different dunkings.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Don't you have to worship Christ, to call yourself a Christian?

    DD - My opinion you have to follow Christ to be a Christian. That is in imitation of him, not perhaps in worship. Though I do believe that the two are connected.



    I tend to accept that mine did - I was baptised prior to the changes that made one a 'Watchtower disciple'. My dedication was and is to God - prob the reason I am finally out.


    I would say no, and would urge any former JW that became a Chrstian to get baptized again. I think that the baptismal formula of the J-Dubs is not Scriptural. Your baptism symbolizes your acceptance to an organization, and not a transformation, IMHO.

  • NeonMadman

    My JW baptism was accepted as valid by the Baptist church I now belong to because it was a baptism by immersion (which is a Baptist necessity), because I had made a profession of faith in Christ as a teenager prior to becoming a JW, and because it was under the old vows which stressed repentance from sin and acceptance of Christ as Savior (and not the organization). I have not felt compelled to be rebaptized, though the idea has crossed my mind from time to time.

  • BFD

    I tend to rely on my first baptism although I don't remember being there. But when I got baptised at bethel it was for all the wrong reasons so it was not Christian for me.


  • jayhawk1

    I would say perhaps not...

    JWs don't accept the baptisms of other christian religions, so the same is probably true in reverse.

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