I AM............

by purplesofa 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abandoned


    I know you can get through this because of what you've already gone through, but what if instead of this being another setback, it's actually the catalyst for something amazing? One of my favorite quotes is, "Opportunity…often it comes in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat.” That's from Napolean Hill and trust me, I know it's easy to focus on the negative side when something huge happens or to imagine a horrible outcome....but, I really think something amazing is close by for you. Remember when you said you wanted to start a shelter for women? Then, in no time, you found an opportunity to help out a woman who needed a hand.

    I'm convinced this is the start of something much better for you.

  • zagor

    I thought you were going to study... why don't you do that?

    I don't know how it works in States but students here at least have many privileges including money support and lots of temp jobs of all sorts from research and office jobs to gardening, take your pick. There might me something similar in States as well ...

  • JWdaughter

    I am trying to understand-you still have a job, just not one that you used to do? Is there a pay cut? or is the drawback that you will be in an office. . .I know several people that could not function well in that kind of environment. I hope you find a way to make all this work for you. You are smart and insightful, I think you can find/make a job that would suit you. Think outside the box-you did it to get out of the borg-you know you can do ANYthing. :)

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