Would U Be Offended If A Lesbian Couple Showed Affection in A Public Place

by minimus 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • lisavegas420

    Unless one of the women was working there, then I would say it was unprofessional. Or if there was some hugh makeout scene and some were offended(young children and such being present). Other that that...smooch away.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    No, it's discrimination and that manager should be fired. He would not have asked a hetero couple to leave.

    If a person doesn't like it, they can keep their eyes to themselves.

  • Finally-Free
    Would U Be Offended If A Lesbian Couple Showed Affection in A Public Place

    It would be better if they were bi and invited me to join them for a little action.


  • UnConfused

    Was this recently? How could he tell they were gay? (I can always tell - I'll try now - - - - - yep --- got some vibes ----- yep - Gretchen is gay!------so no kissing on the cheeks for you Gretchen!)

  • Xena

    I agree with everyone else, as long as they aren't sticking their tongues down each others throats and groping (that's unacceptable for any type couple IMO) it's a non-issue.

  • nvrgnbk
    Would U Be Offended If A Lesbian Couple Showed Affection in A Public Place

    It would be better if they were bi and invited me to join them for a little action.


    To utilize one of Brother Farkel's favorite expressions:

    Das what I'm talkin' 'bout.

  • minimus

    My opinion: It shouldn't be an issue. However, I'm uncomfortable with anyone majorly making out with another in public. Save it for later. I do think that if it were more than a kiss on the cheek, I'd be uncomfortable. Evidently, in Missouri and I believe Kansas, it is NOT illegal to kick a gay person out of employment, housing or a restaurant!

  • Clam

    Hell no.


  • minimus

    If they were a good looking couple, it would be ok.

  • nvrgnbk

    Hell no.


    Thanks clam! I too would like to offer my congrats to the happy couple.

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