Would U Be Offended If A Lesbian Couple Showed Affection in A Public Place

by minimus 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    I live near Madison, Wisconsin which has a high percentage of gays. I've seen it.

    I have to agree - it's their business as long as they obey the law and don't take it too far the same as heterosexual couples.


  • bikerchic
    What's your opinion of same sex couples kissing or hugging publicly???

    They are a couple, period. That's what couples do, no biggie for me, live and let live.

    I am offended by people who talk loudly on their cell phones in a public place, that is just plain rude.

  • anewme

    What other people do is solely a reflection of their own character and has nothing to do with mine.
    Therefore I am neither insulted nor ashamed by another's behavior.

    And anyway arent we talking about an expression of love here? Thats all bisexuality or homosexuality is, an expression of love. It's not one of the many expressions of hate there are in the world.

    So I dont get worked up when I see an expression of love anywhere, whether it is from humans or animals.
    To me, its all good.

  • Sunspot
    How did the waiter know that they were lesbians from a simple kiss as that?


    I mean for Pete's sake!

    I am NOT in favor of anyone copping feels in public places or any long and wet face-sucking---gay OR straight---but a simple kiss on the cheek or hand-holding never bothered anyone.....at least....it shouldn't.

  • minimus

    You know how these Missourians can be. Like I said before, the laws allow the homophobia.

  • new boy
    new boy

    As long as they are both naked its O.K.!

  • DJK

    Hugs and cheek kissing would be acceptable anywhere. If I saw a man propose to a woman in a resturant, I would expect a respectable kiss on the lips. A same sex couple would have the same expectation, in that situation. Otherwise, if I didn't like it, I would mind my own business. Holding hands and a tasteful kiss are signs of affection that we shouldn't have to be embrrassed about.

  • Bryan

    I would not be offended by two women kissing...

    as long as I did not have to pay to observe.


  • seawolf

    I'd only be offended if I found out a hot show of two hot women making out happened and I missed it.

  • heathen

    That is riddiculous , a kiss on the cheek amounts to very little in the world of affection. Women , no problem but If I were manager and gay guys started that I would throw them out ................

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