Does that make you a "COUCH POTATO"? Where did that saying come from?
I'm not sure where the expression originated but I spend more time on the net than I do watching the TV. I'm a MOUSE POTATO.
My wife watches TV much more than I do.
by juni 26 Replies latest jw friends
Does that make you a "COUCH POTATO"? Where did that saying come from?
I'm not sure where the expression originated but I spend more time on the net than I do watching the TV. I'm a MOUSE POTATO.
My wife watches TV much more than I do.
No I don't think he watches too much TV, it's what he watches that I object to. SciFi and monster movies, Kung Fu Hustle and gory action movies, yuck! That and he cannot watch a commercial as soon as the commercials come on he starts surfing channels and gets mad because most all stations take commercial breaks at the same time! LOL When he's watching that stuff I rather look forward to the commercials.....
We definitely have different taste in TV viewing. I've gotten to where I record what I like and watch it when he's not home. Gotta love DVR's a must in our house.
I figure there is no such thing as too much TV now that I'm not going to 5 meetings a week I have lots of time to watch TV!
Juni maybe your husband needs a hobby?
I watch very little TV now. We have a PVR set to record all our favorite shows so when I have time I'll sit down, blink through the commercials and watch what I find interesting.
Currently on Para's watch list:
The Unit
Robot Chicken
The Venture Bros.
That's about it. My wife loves just about every drama show out there and spends alot of time watching them.
I watch maybe 3-4 hours per week, often less if I have to submit an assignment.
I never understood the idea of just soaking up cathode rays all day long...
But then I do spend an inordinate amount of time here
Yup - from the moment he walks in the door until he goes to bed.
I don't mind one little bit
especially since we now live 2000 miles apart
Enjoyed your answers everyone. Thanks.
That's so funny about the commercials bikerchik! That is the same here. Flips from one channel to the other - sometimes watches 2 programs - flips back and forth. God it's crazy!
I dont - my wife watches too much