Last night around 6 pm my door bell rang and it was a witness handing out nicely done invites to the neighborhood. My dad still hasn't been notified about it yet. He is only aware of it through another person just mentioning it. I so want to go and partake just to see what comes of it. I am sure my husband will talk me out of it though. I remember the guilt of even thinking of not going to a memorial because of all days that is the day you SHOULDN'T MISS. Was there discussion of if you miss it you are looked down upon by God? Is it because the bible says we MUST do this?
Last night I got my invitation to attend the Memorial. Anyone else?
by Rayvin 13 Replies latest jw friends
I so want to go and partake just to see what comes of it. I am sure my husband will talk me out of it though.
Don't go just to partake. You'll get a few gasps, but you won't be included in the official count for partakers, only used to boost the overall Memorial attendance which they are so proud of. It also happens to be the coldest, most unfeeling, dull meeting of the year. (And it's not as if it doesn't have much competition!)
I remember the guilt of even thinking of not going to a memorial because of all days that is the day you SHOULDN'T MISS. Was there discussion of if you miss it you are looked down upon by God?
It is a big crime to miss the Memorial for a JW though, unless they're practically on their death bed.Is it because the bible says we MUST do this?
In the bible, Jesus did say to 'Keep doing this in remembrance of me' Although, he never specified when or how often. The early Christians did it every sabbath. And all Christians partook, not just a few 'anointed' -
drew sagan
I'm not going this year. I haven't got an invitation yet, but I'm sure I'll get some lame invitation sometime soon.
Because the JWs do not actually partake of the bread and wine the only importance they end up stressing is attendance. The memorial then becomes another list of things the JWs must do in order to be "lined up for salvation". -
I got one last week. Nice illustration of Jesus on the front.
I can't help but notice how they keep pointing out the importance of remembering Jesus' death and attending the memorial but when you actually attend, the memorial talk spends more time justifying why only a few people are allowed to partake of the emblems and how important the F&DS class is. What happened to Jesus?
On a side note, has anyone seen an outline of this years memorial talk?
The early Christians took of the bread and wine every week not once a year, they called Jesus Lord and they talked about being members of the Church of Christ otherwise known as his body. This is something even the so called anointed do not do except very rarely just to create the impression I suppose that they are Christians.
In the bible, Jesus did say to 'Keep doing this in remembrance of me' Although, he never specified when or how often. The early Christians did it every sabbath.
The early Christians took of the bread and wine every week not once a year,
I've never really thought about this before. Are there some references that I could look up and learn more about this?
Now back to your regularly scheduled posting...
When i was still attending I remember making the dress i was gonna wear a big deal! I was gonna be there and be seen! I was a teenager.. what do you expect? lol
Why was only 12 invited to the original meal from which the memorial is fostered? If it was important for all to attend why only a few were there in the beginning? Sort of like some of the rituals for other made up Gods.
Ken P.
the guilt of even thinking of not going to a memorial because of all days that is the day you SHOULDN'T MISS
On the other hand, remember how dubs used to talk about those folks who ONLY showed up at the KH for the Memorial? They are viewed as hypocrites and likened to church-goers who only attend mass or services on Easter and Christmas.
A nice lady came to the door Saturday and gave me one of the color invitations. From reading the message on the back you would think JWs are a mainstream, Christ-based, church. No mention of Jay Hoover. I guess that comes later. We might go if it is convenient, but I wouldn't care to partake or anything else to bring attention. Would expect to be approached by hand shaking grinners before and after. I think it would be more fun to withold last names and any personal info. (Who am I kidding. I'd be into mud with them in two minutes!)