And don't must be dressed up...that is an absolute must. New outfits and hair.
Last night I got my invitation to attend the Memorial. Anyone else?
by Rayvin 13 Replies latest jw friends
Why was only 12 invited to the original meal from which the memorial is fostered? If it was important for all to attend why only a few were there in the beginning? Sort of like some of the rituals for other made up Gods.
Good question, Ken! Why weren't ones like Jesus mother invited to merely "come and watch" the important event?
Greendawn...I was about to PM you to ask you something and see that someone already asked it in their post.....where would we find this information about the "weekly" partaking that could be shown to JWs who are stuck on this being an "annual" event? TIA....
Tyrone van leyen
It's truly amazing but I attened the Sunday meeting to see my fathers talk, and I didn't get one. Got lots of hugs etc. Even the PO came to talk to me ,and ask if I was going to the assembly. I bluntly said "No I don't think so. I have been out for 20 years and I'm only here to support my dad." I didn't let anyone get to me. You just wouldn't beleive how small the attendance was. Absolutly no more than 35 people and the singing was weak spirited, if not almost non existant. One more thing, I almost needed a paramedic to bring me back to consciousness during the watchtower study. It was the most god awful boring thing I have ever sat through. I don't know how those people can sit through that crap every Sunday.
Oh wait there is one more thing, I have been out of the org over 20 years now and not one stinkin thing has changed that I could see. I will never attend the memorial!
I haven't gotten mine which is cool because I'm out of matches.
The memorial is a great time of the year though. It's a great time to show what a bunch of huey these guys teach. The idea is that you are supposed to attend five meetings a week, but if you make one a year, you're at least partially OK. HA HA HA! Do these guys even listen to their drivel?