Got a e mail today full of urban legends J.W. style. The heading is "Jehovah knows what's going on". Take a look at this self rightous self serving crap... DOES JEHOVAH KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON, AND DOES HE HELP? 1. The bomb planted in the Kingdom Hall In Australia, where one brother was killed, was meant to kill everyone, and would have; but the bomb rolled backwards so the force or the blast was away from the friends, ratherthan aimed at them 2. A new Hall was built in Brooklyn. However, a large tree was inconveniently located in the center of the parking lot, and a city ordinance forbade it's removal. That night, a storm blew it down, and it conveniently fell in the middle of the street. No harm came to the Hall. Because it blocked the street, the city of New York had to remove it, at no expense to the brothers. 3. In Florida, a Hall building was delayed, because the basement hadn't been back filled and the brothers had no means to do so. While the inspectors were at the site, a bulldozer showed up, did the job, and drove off. He returned to tell his boss he'd finished the job at the Hall. The boss replied, "Hall!? I told you to go to the mall!" The job was done at no expense to the brothers. 4. The brothers were building a 2-day project, and were short of roof trusses. None could be obtained for 3 days. Nearby, a semi truck overturned, blocking traffic. What was it carrying? Trusses! The police wanted them removed. The brothers moved in and hauled them away. Although some were damaged, enough were gathered to finish the project, at no cost to the brothers 5. A Hall project was planned on an island. However, no sand was available for the mortar. (Many of these islands are formed from coral.). The only sand was on property owned by the Catholic priest, and he wouldn't sell to the brothers. A storm came up and washed the sand from the priest's land to where it was available to the friends. The project was completed, and everyone was happy but the priest. 6. In Poland, where the work is done underground, 3 elders were working on a country road. The sky was cloudy. Suddenly a bolt of lightning killed the middle brother. The other 2 hurriedly hid his body in the bushes, to go and remove literature, etc. from his home before the officials came. They take over any possessions they find and give them to whomever they feel can use them. Among his possessions were found a complete list of all the Witnesses from miles around. He was not a brother, but an imposter, planning to turn this list over to the police. As Bro. Lauriz says, if these hadn't come from Bethel, we'd never believe them. 7. In a country where the work is banned, a Brother was trying to get through a series of roadblocks, with the trunk of his car loaded with literature. He was stopped by a policeman who asked him if he would take him to a certain destination as his car was broke down. The Brother agreed, the policeman got in the car, took his policeman's hat off and put it on the dashboard of the car as they drove along. They passed through five roadblocks and each time they were waved to go on through because of the policeman being with him. When they reached the end, the policeman thanked him and got out. The Brother asked him what the roadblocks were for and he said, "Oh, those Jehovah's Witnesses try to get through with their literature and this is set up to stop them." So he had escorted the Brother right through with his literature, (Told by Bro. Spangenberg, C. 0.) 8. A Brother going door to door met a man who said very emphatically he was not interested. He said to the Bro. "Tell it to the dog!" So the Bro. did. He gave the whole Sermon, read the scriptures, and presented the WT subscription, when he got through, he looked up at the man and said, "Well, the dog says yes." The man said "If the dog says yes, then I'll take it." So he placed the subscription. This was told by Brother Carrie Barber. (Gov. Body) Rejoice in the hope. Endure under tribulation. Persevere in prayer. -Romans 12:12 9. Here is one I can add. In West Valley City, Utah, a new Kingdom Hall was planned. Funds were short. The brothers heard of an IRS auction of property in an ideal location. The date of the auction the presiding overseer went to the site, county court house steps. A minimum bid was announced, $14,500.00. Our brother raised his hand. No one of the many gathered there offered any bids. The congregation got the property, then sold off a piece of it for $14,500.00. Net paid for at no cost to the brothers aside from clean up. How do I know? I was in that congregation at the time. Bob Weyer
They're baaaack! J.W. urban legends
by NikL 23 Replies latest jw friends
Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear and if Brooklyn tells you the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, you better go out and check it. It would be the first time they were right about anything.
AK - Jeff
Sime might be true - others might be made up - all are probably exagerated. One thing for sure - most are coincidental happenings with no evidence that God is involved except for hopeful credulance.
I would imagine many other religious groups could find their own lists of miracles too. But most are not so anxious to 'prove God's blessing' as are the Robotic Jw's.
4. The brothers were building a 2-day project, and were short of roof trusses. None could be obtained for 3 days. Nearby, a semi truck overturned, blocking traffic. What was it carrying? Trusses! The police wanted them removed. The brothers moved in and hauled them away. Although some were damaged, enough were gathered to finish the project, at no cost to the brothers
lmao... as absurd as all of the others are, this is the one that got me. When trusses are designed and built, they are build with measurements and strength specs specific to the structure they will be a part of. There is NO WAY they could have fit on the KH.
The story about the Quick Build Kingdom Hall lacking enough trusses to finish the job, and then a truck wrecking that had the necessary trusses sound like B.S. to me.
I've worked in construction for many years until I retired a few years ago.
The chances of the trusses on the wrecked truck being of the right length so as to be useful for the Kingdom Hall being built are astronomical. The width or length of the new Kingdom Hall, the pitch of the roof, matching, all play a factor in how a truss is designed and built for the job it's intended for.
I say B.S. on that story. -
With respect to Story #3, the Kingdom Hall in Florida that needed backfilling, again I have problems with. Given enough volunteers, and enough wheelbarrows, and people willing to man the shovels and wheelbarrows, it wouldn't have taken long to backfill.
Also I believe the backfilling would have been done around the outside foundation walls of the hall rather than the inner areas...Making it even better, because less material needed to be moved to backfill around the hall. After all, we're not digging out a basement, only to fill it back in again. LOL
Not only that. In order to do the job of backfilling correctly, rather than using a bulldozer to backfill with, the job should be done in stages...filling and tamping/settling either by walking the backfill down by hand...or using gas or electric powered "whackers" which tamp the soil down, so that when the job is finished, there will be no unsightly settling round the area after it's been landscaped or turned into parking lot for their vehicles. -
The chances of the trusses on the wrecked truck being of the right length so as to be useful for the Kingdom Hall being built are astronomical. The width or length of the new Kingdom Hall, the pitch of the roof, matching, all play a factor in how a truss is designed and built for the job it's intended for.
That is the miracle, Jehovah provides for his people, as long as they don't need blood.
That "Tell it to the dog" one is so unique! That must have been Jah's doing. How many times do you here of something that amazing?
Well, I've heard that SAME exact story 10 times and every time it was a different guy it happened to. AND, I've been hearing it for about 25 years now. (Along with the talking dog one.)
I think I'll start some of those stupid ass stories and anonymously e-mail them to JW's to see if they'll make it back here or if I hear them 25 years from now happening to someone new.
The bomb planted in the Kingdom Hall In Australia, where one brother was killed
I guess he didn't put in enough hours in service that he had to go.Because it blocked the street, the city of New York had to remove it, at no expense to the brothers.
Yeah I guess they didn't get enougth donations to remove it had it fell into the KH parking lot.The boss replied, "Hall!? I told you to go to the mall!"
As if any non jw would know what you mean when you say "Hall"What was it carrying? Trusses! The police wanted them removed. The brothers moved in and hauled them away.
Yeah right I'm sure that didn't happen. Next time a amored truck overturns spilling out all it's money I will go help the police clear the highway.The only sand was on property owned by the Catholic priest
Of course it was a catholic priest.. JW's hate Catholicsif these hadn't come from Bethel, we'd never believe them.
Well then it's gotta be true... they never put a spin on anything. Bethel = spin doctorsIn a country where the work is banned
that is vagueOh, those Jehovah's Witnesses try to get through with their literature and this is set up to stop them." So he had escorted the Brother right through with his literatureLooks like that police officer isn't doing his job if he didn't stop every car and search as he supoossed to.
"Well, the dog says yes." The man said "If the dog says yes, then I'll take it."
Ok so the householder thinks dogs can talk to JW's... yeah those are the kind of people they want in the org.The congregation got the property, then sold off a piece of it for $14,500.00. Net paid for at no cost to the brothers
But I bet the WTBTS still owns it and not the congo -
Well, I've heard that SAME exact story 10 times and every time it was a different guy it happened to. AND, I've been hearing it for about 25 years now. (Along with the talking dog one.)
I've heard the tell it to the dog one as well. But then again that was over 15 years ago