They're baaaack! J.W. urban legends

by NikL 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kudra

    Ha ha. I have an old dub friend (who doesn't know the true nature of my black shriveled apostate heart, apparently) who always sends me these type of things...

    I will check my email for it- I bet it comes soon.

    Perhaps I shall circulate a few false stories of my own... ripped off of a Baptist webpage or something.. :P


  • BluesBrother
    OK....why do I find these SOOOOOOOO hard to believe?...

    On the contrary, I can believe totally. Believe that they were genuinely sent in good faith by an unknown dub who heard them through proper channels. They are exactly the kind of thing that is always said after a building project. I had some association with an Assembly Hall construction in Surrey some years back and the "experiences" were just like those.

    Every little moment of good fortune is turned into a "blessing" and the hand of God... If you look for a sign hard enough, you will surely find one..

    NB The one about the Ozzie K Hall bomb we heard nearer the time.. We could not accept it then either and I was a believing dub then .

  • aniron

    4. The brothers were building a 2-day project, and were short of roof trusses. None could be obtained for 3 days. Nearby, a semi truck overturned, blocking traffic. What was it carrying? Trusses! The police wanted them removed. The brothers moved in and hauled them away. Although some were damaged, enough were gathered to finish the project, at no cost to the brothers

    Wasn't this theft?

    The trusses would still belong to whoever they were meant for.

    The undamaged ones would be taken to where they were destined.

  • looseend

    I remember a lot of those stories. I am sure that everyone of us have. Although if you notice it is never an actual first hand account it's always a freiend of a friend of a friend. It is just like all the "Demon" experiences we have all heard. None of these things ever happened to me or even someone I could trust first hand. It was always some excentric brother or sister making shit up.

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