What's the difference between humans and animals if there is no God

by JH 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • kid-A

    "I just see danger in teaching our children we are nothing more than an animal because the implication is that we are not uniquely designed and created. We are just an accident, a 'poof' that just happened."

    How did our children get here? By some random conflagration of circumstances wherein a male human and a female human happened to meet, happened to start a relationship, and happened to have sex that at one point, resulted in conception, either intentionally or unintentionally. Nothing too magical about that, is there? Had I not been at a certain party on a certain night, in a certain town, I would never have met my wife.....its all completely random chance.....

    The point is, if we as individuals have arrived upon existence through a series of completely random coincidences and circumstances, why do some have such profound difficulty accepting the fact that the human species, as a whole, has arrived at its current level of evolution by an equally random series of planetary events?

    Similar to Kwins point, it is the teaching and indoctrination of religious belief (be it muslim, christian, jewish, whatever) and not science, that has led to 99% of the misery on this planet.

  • press any key
    press any key

    Hi Frannie - excuse me I'm asking the questions

    The sun provides light and heat to the earth, its flora and fauna, regardless of humans' existance. And how do you know that's the only purpose of the sun? Why limit the sun's purpose to light and heat, only?

    cause I wanted to keep it pithy, and the first line was just there to set up the second line

    Where did you discover that humans' purpose is to love and worship God?

    I learnt this at the Kingdumb Hall, I unlearnt it here

    Where did you come up with the idea that God exists?

    see above

    That he may or may not have a purpose? Does God have a purpose? IF God has a purpose, do you know what it is? How do you know this?

    there is the crux of it - does God have a purpose - cant recall it being mentioned anywhere in the bible but its been a while

    if not then worshipping God doesnt give our life purpose - so God might be really nice and really big and strong and a great friend to have, but cant give you purpose if he doesnt have one to start with

    so in this area we are the same as the animals whether there is a God or not

    not really explaining that very well but its late downunder



  • ButtLight
    What's the difference between humans and animals

    Im human, your an animal!

  • JH

    With all the animal avatars on JWD, I guess that many of us are animals

  • poppers

    Maybe we could learn something from the animals - how to live in the moment, independent from external sources to act as a saviour.. Humans, having the capacity to reflect, create problems in their mind and then create a "god" which will fix them in the future. All the while doing this, humans to a large extent, completely miss the only thing that actually exists, here and now.

  • LtCmd.Lore
    > We are the only species on the entire planet, in our entire solar system,
    > in our entire galaxy, in the whole universe with such great potential.


    YA RLY Sorry, I should have said that "We are the only KNOWN species on the entire planet, in our entire solar system, in our entire galaxy, in the whole universe with such great potential. " But I didn't think it was neccesary since I had already emphasized that fact several time in my post.

    Our children are a product of a few generations being told they were NOT created and intricately designed by a loving God who cares about them, knows every hair on their head, gave them a special personality of their own, breathed life into them and called it GOOD!

    Exactly, and look how much we have progressed! Thousands of years ago, according to the bible, and history: People waged wars for god, chopped off their enemies heads and foreskins, burned 'witches' at stakes, placed 'heathens' in arenas to be eaten by animals for the whole stadium to watch, sacrificed their children to gods, enslaved people simply because they were black so people thought they were cursed by god, they imprisoned/killed homosexuals simply because they existed, they regularly killed their healthiest animals as a sacrifice... and they were stupid: They thought they could cure disease by letting out large amounts of blood to remove evil spirits, they thought burning virgins would stop natural disasters, they thought the earth was flat. And during all that, despite gods 'influence', some people still got drunk, they still commited mass murders, they still commited suicide, and they still got depressed.

    But now, we are beyond that crap. We have animal rights activists that prevent the uneaded killing of animals, we have gay rights activists that prevent the uneaded killing of homosexuals, we have laws that prevent discrimination and slavery. We know that we can't stop a tornado by killing someone, but we do know that we can predict the tornado with science. It is completely illegal to kill people for entertainment, in an arena, or for spiritual rituals. Sure the world ain't perfect, but we are DEFINATELY better off now than we were when everyone thought that god was the only solution to all problems.
    I am a youth worker and it is amazing to see adults scratch their heads and wonder why there is more depression, more suicide, more cutting, more anorexia, more substance abuse, more more more.....

    So you think that the problems that still exist could be fixed by falling back into all that??? I don't! I'm glad I live in a country where superstition is a dying problem. (Now if only the rest of the world would just get passed it, we would be even better off still.) And as a youth who is an atheist, and yet has never used drugs, alchohol, cigarettes, killed anyone, stole anything (after age 13 or so anyways) raped anyone, sacrificed any animals, taken prozac, or stuff like that: I can testify to the fact that atheism does not generate depressed psycopaths. LtCmd.Lore - Of the 'Proud To Be Human' class.
  • Warlock

    If I am just "another animal", why does society have laws to punish people who act like animals?

    Where is the "animal", other than a human that can compose a piece of music?

    Can someone please direct me to the ASE? (The Animal Stock Exchange)

    Anyone who believes that man is "just another animal" is a plain fool, and if they have a degree, they are just an "educated fool".


  • Terry

    If I am merely an animal, and am just a happenstance that came into being because of something called the evolutionary process, then:

    I am not special, I am not created, I don't have a purpose, I am not intricately made, I am not unique, I hold NO value or worth, I am not an individual,

    I remember a conversation I had with my former "best" friend, Johnny who is still an active JW. We were having a clandestine lunch and he blurted out, "I don't see how any intelligent person can believe that something as complex and miraculous as a human being could come from a one-celled thing-a-ma-jig piddling around in the ocean.

    I looked at him and said: "Your father's sperm was a one-celled thing-a-ma-jig piddling around in the ocean of your mother's womb and---look at you!"

    He stopped cold and got a funny look on his face that was priceless! "I never thought of it that way" was all he said.

    Truly, how we choose to look at things makes all the difference.

    Homo sapien is the top of the food chain because of the "sapien" part.

  • kwintestal
    Anyone who believes that man is "just another animal" is a plain fool, and if they have a degree, they are just an "educated fool".

    Where do I get my dunce cap?

    As someone stated earlier, human DNA and chimp DNA have only a 3% difference. Does that make chimps 97% non-animal?


  • Warlock
    Where do I get my dunce cap?

    Why don't you have some animal friends make one for you and then sell it to you...............at wholesale, of course.

    I almost forgot. Tell them I said to use Federal Express to ship it to you. They're cheaper than UPS.


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