I'm not going to read all five pages of this, but I wanted to comment on this.
The core of this thinking really de-values us as individuals.
If I am merely an animal, and am just a happenstance that came into being because of something called the evolutionary process, then:
I am not special, I am not created, I don't have a purpose, I am not intricately made, I am not unique, I hold NO value or worth, I am not an individual,
I could go on but I am sure you get the point.
I don't know where you get all of that. You don't have to be created by some supernatural entity to be unique, valuable, an individual, etc. I didn't create my son from legos, purposefully, and yet he is all of these things to me, just another human animal. We are all of the things you describe and more without the need for us having been intentionally created by some supreme being.
Stop teaching the money bs and tell them they are created by a loving God who desires to know them intimately!
So, in your opinion, it would be better to lie to them just so they, in your opinion, have a feel-good POV? Again, it's unnecessary, but the alternative just scares you because, perhaps, you are devoid of a sense of your personal worth and power outside of what some supernatural spirit creature supposedly gives you.
My value as a truly unique, purposeful, amazing individual does not depend upon the existence or non-existence of some god outside of myself, especialy since any gods are manifestations from within us anyway and are not outside of us.