Watchtower--NGO With WANGO!

by Dogpatch 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    Watchtower--NGO With WANGO! If the Watchtower Society truly believes in a "New World" then why are they joining organizations that are attempting to make this old one better? Activities

    WANGO is unique in regularly bringing together a prestigious, international leadership of non-governmental organizations, as well as other prominent leaders, representing diverse nations, perspectives, and realms of activity, and who are integrally involved in advancing world peace and creating a better society and world.
    About WANGO

    Initiated in 2000 by a handful of international NGOs and prominent visionaries, WANGO has quickly become one of the premier international bodies for non-governmental organizations that are committed to the ideals of universal peace, justice, and well-being for all humanity. Concerned with universal values shared across the barriers of politics, culture, religion, race and ethnicity, the founding organizations and individuals envisioned an organization that would enable NGOs to work in partnership across those barriers, thereby weaving a selfless social fabric essential to establishing a worldwide culture of peace. By optimizing resources and sharing vital information, WANGO provides a means for NGOs to become more effective in completing their vital tasks.

    With its global network of NGOs, as well as affiliates drawn from the ranks of governmental and inter-governmental bodies, businesses, and universities, WANGO has become an international leader in tackling issues of serious global concern.In October of 2000, WANGO joined as a partner in co-sponsoring "The Millennium Declaration of the United Nations: A Response from Civil Society," a conference which gathered more than 500 representatives from a wide range of NGOs and from more than 100 nations. This conference was in response to the historic Millennium Summit of World Leaders convened at the United Nations - a summit that lead to The Millennium Declaration. Subsequently, in partnership with other international organizations, WANGO played a key role in coordinating a world tour in November and January 2000 to share the values and vision of The Millennium Declaration with all sectors of civil society. These programs were structured around the six fundamental values cited by the Declaration and were attended by NGOs, UN bodies, government officials, NGOs, media, and academics.

    In 2001, WANGO continued its global mission by joining with several governments and with other international NGOs in co-sponsoring a conference at the United Nations titled, "Dialogue And Harmony Among Civilizations, " which drew attendees from 138 nations, including 40 former heads of state, as well as co-sponsoring the international symposium, "Serving the Nation, Serving the World," which also took place in the New York, and drew representatives of 108 nations. This later event took place in celebration of the United Nations International Year of the Volunteer and International Day of Families. In October of 2001, in response to the horrendous events of September 11, WANGO partnered with the IIFWP in sponsoring the hastily-arranged, but highly-acclaimed gathering "Global Violence: Crisis and Hope." This event drew 380 prominent political and religious leaders, media and non-governmental representatives, scholars and peace activists from 101 nations, who came to New York City, near the rising smoke of Ground Zero, to address the root causes and potential solutions to global violence. In November of 2001, WANGO organized the "WANGO International Conference on the United Nations: The United Nations, East Asia, and World Peace in the Age of Global Governance," held in the United Nations Convention Center in Bangkok. In 2002, WANGO coordinated several international gatherings, including serving as the secretariat office for the precedent-setting "International Symposium on the United States and the United Nations."
    WANGO's quarterly newsletter, Beyond Boundaries, offers both general and practical articles of relevance to the NGO community. Other publications which are available to the WANGO membership include the proceedings of WANGO co-sponsored conferences, such as The Millennium Declaration of the United Nations: A Response from Civil Society, and Dialogue and Harmony Among Civilizations.

    WANGO's flagship event, the WANGO Annual Conference, is held in October of each year. WANGO members, and other NGO leaders, gather from throughout the world for this event, which features a diversity of session formats, and which provides a unique crossroads for representatives of civil society to meet, share innovative ideas and practices, attend training workshops, and build strategic partnerships that can help NGOs better fulfill their missions. Special interactive sessions with government officials from numerous nations also allows discourse on finding common ground for these two sectors, the non-governmental and governmental, to develop a new compact of working together to tackle humanity's problems, in areas in which cooperation would be both appropriate and beneficial.

    WANGO is a non-religious, non-political, and non-profit organization, operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes.

    History of WANGO: 2000
    On August 1, 2000, sixteen international non-governmental organizations came together with a vision for a network of NGOs that would promote the ideals of the United Nations, and most especially the ideals of universal peace, justice, and well-being for all humanity. This was a diverse group - the Eleanor Roosevelt Institute for Justice and Peace, the International Relief and Friendship Foundation, the World Peace Institute, the Summit Council for World Peace, the Professors World Peace Academy, among others - but they were all committed to their vision of a world free from want, free from fear, and free for future generations to inherit a sound and healthy environment.

    These NGOS, as well as fifteen prominent leaders, founded on August 1 the World Association of United Nations Non-Governmental Organizations (WAUNNGO). WAUNNGO was to become the precursor to WANGO.

    WAUNNGO's mission was to promote greater cooperation, respect, and coordination among the many non-governmental organizations affiliated with the United Nations, as well as private institutions and individuals around the world who share a common vision of peace for humanity. WAUNNGO's founding goals were as follows:

    1. Support the work of the United Nations, and of such regional organs as the Organization of America States, the Organization of African Unity, and the Council of Europe;
    2. Serve United Nations NGOs by promoting better communication, understanding and cooperation;
    3. Convene representatives of NGOs, private institutions, and world leaders;
    4. Increase public awareness of the work of NGOs through educational programs and publications; and
    5. 5. Present an annual Universal Peace Award to persons with distinguished careers dedicated to world peace.

    On August 18, 2000, at the Convocation of World Leaders in the United Nations, WAUNNGO presented the first Universal Peace Award to the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, for his distinguished and extensive international and inter-religious work for world peace. Rev. Moon is the founder of numerous organizations devoted to such activities, including the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace, the International Security Council, the Assembly of the World's Religions, and the Women's Federation for World Peace, and he is a visionary who proposed such innovated proposals as the International Peace Highway Project, the creation of Peace Zones between nations in conflict, and the addition of a "religious general assembly" to the structure of the United Nations. Many other organizations that he founded also seek to enhance unity among individuals and institutions, such as the World Media Association, the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, and the Association for the Unity of Latin America. Dr Nicholas Kittrie, chair of WAUNNGO and President of Eleanor Roosevelt Institute for Peace and Justice, presented the Universal Peace Award.

    Rev. Moon not only became an active and early supporter of WAUNNGO, but a visionary who felt that the goals and vision of the organization should be grander, and should embrace the more dedicated and principled actors in the entire NGO community. From this foundation and inspiration, the World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (WANGO) came into being. With the generous initial support and guidance of Rev. Moon, WANGO has enjoyed an active agenda of programs.

    As WANGO, the association assisted the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP) with sponsoring Assembly 2000, Renewing the United Nations and Building a Culture of Peace, held August 17-19, 2000 in the United Nations and at the New York Hilton. Prompted by the Secretary General's statement, "We The Peoples," and the International Year for a Culture of Peace, Assembly 2000 gathered from the voices of the world's religious, political, and civil society leaders suggestions and recommendations as how best to achieve the renewal of the United Nations. This event was chaired by H.E. Ambassador Makarim Wibisono, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations, and was co-sponsored by the Permanent Missions of the United Nations of Indonesia, Mongolia, and Uganda, as well as the IIFWP. Among those addressing the conference were H.E. Sir Edward Heath, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; H.E. Oscar Arias, former President of Costa Rica and Nobel Peace Laureate; H.E. Kenneth Kaunda, former President of Uganda, and Hon. Robert Dole, former Majority Leader of the United States Senate. As WANGO, the association subsequently assisted with production of the proceedings of the conference.

    The latter part of 2000 saw WANGO completing some major, ground-breaking events. On October 20-22, 2000, WANGO co-sponsored The Millennium Declaration of the United Nations: A Response from Civil Society, an international conference with sessions held at the United Nations and the New York Hilton hotel. This conference was designed to record and promote civil society's response to the historic United Nations document, The Millennium Declaration, adopted by the 165 sitting Presidents and Heads of State convening at the Millennium Summit of World Leaders, held in September of 2000. The October WANGO event drew more than 500 representatives from a wide range of NGOs from more than 100 nations. The program itself was structured around the eight major themes and six values of the Millennium Declaration. This conference was co-chaired by H.E. Makarim Wibisono, Permanent Representative of the Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations, Rev. Dr. Chung Hwan Kwak, Chairman of the IIFWP, and Dr. Wally N'Dow, Secretary General of WANGO.

    Due to the overriding success of the conference, it was determined that there was a great need in the field for sectors of civil society to be exposed to and provide feedback to the Millennium Declaration. As a result of the conference in New York, queries poured into the WANGO office from all over the world. NGOs and other leaders wanted the opportunity to be part of the process of fashioning a response to the Millennium Declaration. In what was a bold decision by the WANGO leadership in partnership with the IIFWP, a world tour was put together to share the values and vision contained within the Millennium Declaration with all sectors of civil society.

    For the last two months of the year 2000 (Nov. and Dec.) a series of 189 conferences and seminars were held in 189 nations. Representatives of NGOs, as well as members of governments, ministries and cabinets, UN bodies, media and academicians participated. Over 20,000 participants attended these programs in 189 countries, a response much larger than anyone had anticipated. These programs centered on the six values of the Millennium Declaration: Freedom, Equality (of individuals and nations), Solidarity, Tolerance, Respect for Nature, and Shared Responsibility.


    WANGO Membership

    The World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations is a worldwide membership organization, with members in over 120 nations.

    NGOs belong to WANGO as Regular and Senior Organization Members, and constitute the main body of the WANGO membership. It was on behalf of NGOs (also known as nonprofit organizations, charities, private voluntary organizations, etc.) that the Association was formed and for whom the benefits, services, and privileges — including voting and holding office — are designed.

    While non-governmental organizations constitute the main focus of the Association, WANGO also offers categories of membership for institutions and individuals whose interests, activities, and/or background are consistent with the purposes of the Association. Institutions that are not NGOs may join as Affiliate Organization Members, and individuals may join as Associate Members.


    Is the Watchtower using donations from hard working Jehovah's Witnesses to pay for memberships in worldly organizations? Please note the next to the last paragraph. Membership dues and fees are required by WANGO! If you are turned down by WANGO then your money will be returned, but if your accepted, as the Watchtower has been, then there are membership dues to pay. Where do you think the money is coming from if not from Jehovah's Witness donations?

    Join as NGO, nonprofit onlineIt is important that the name of WANGO be associated with integrity, ethics, and values that support the public good. WANGO membership equates an NGO with being legitimate, active, and ethical. For such reasons, the approval process is more extensive than many associations. However, once your organization is approved, you join a special family of organizations. Furthermore, we keep the annual dues much lower than most associations, having been formed by NGOs to serve NGOs.

    While non-profit organizations constitute the main membership of WANGO, affiliate and associate (non-voting) memberships are available for commercial entities, governmental bodies, and interested individuals. To apply for an affiliate or associate membership, please use another form. The following procedure applies for non-profit organizations.

    To join WANGO:

    1. Complete the online application (credit card required). (Click on "Continue" below, after reading these instructions, to access the online application form.)
    2. Enclose a copy of a document showing that you are registered in your nation. (For US-based organizations, you need only provide your EIN number.) If this is not possible, since situations vary around the world, then you may provide one of the following:

      (a) A copy of the organization's organizing documents (articles of incorporation, constitution, and/or bylaws), or equivalent document; or
      (b) A letter of explanation of why your organization is not registered, along with two or more letters of recommendation to support your case.
    3. Submit proof of recent activities, such as a copy of a recent brochure or a copy of the most recent annual report. (A web site address for your organization will fulfill this requirement as well)
    4. The application should be authorized by the chairman of the board or the chief executive officer.

      Once the completed application and membership dues are received, there will be an approval process. When you are accepted as a WANGO member, you will receive a membership packet. If you are not admitted as a WANGO member, your application fee (membership dues) will be reimbursed, minus a basic charge of US$15 for processing the application.

      Please direct inquiries, or submit supporting documents, to the Membership Director at [email protected], or via fax to 914-631-8993, or via mail to: Membership Director, WANGO, 155 White Plains Road, Tarrytown, NY 10591 USA.



    Haven't we seen applications like this one before?



    c/o Randy

  • Nosferatu

    Uh Oh! Somebody got caught with their proverbial hand in the Lucky Charms box!

    How much do you wanna bet that they pull their membership within the next week?

  • GoingGoingGone


    Thanks so much Randy! This is bookmarked now, in hopes of showing my JW husband.


  • minimus

    Does WANGO have a library????

  • MinisterAmos

    The rep is at 845-306-1000.

    They neither deny it or see the paradox.

    I was told it was "Un-Christian" to donate money to the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army sent mobile food trucks to Witness job-sites after Hurricane Ivan and guess what? They all partook.

    No paradox there either.

  • MinisterAmos

    [email protected]

    May I suggest an EMail campaign to verify the authenticity of this information?

    I won't deny that the WT is listed on the site, but I also noticed that the site permits "self-submission" of NGOs.

  • DannyHaszard


  • Dogpatch

    I don't think they'll pull any more of these memberships, as they have already "covered their butts" in their lame way as usual. Just accept Mother's whoring ways, rank and file! Unbelievable. Some will leave over this.


    Net Soup!

    This article is now up at:

  • Nosferatu
    Just accept Mother's whoring ways

    Lyrics from Wango Tango by Ted Nugent:

    You take her right ankle out
    You take her left ankle out
    You get her belly propped down
    You get her butt propped up
    Yeah lookin' good now baby
    I think you're in the right position now baby

  • kwintestal

    This is good. Good discovery, whoever found it.


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