I was wondering if anyone else read this article in NEWSWEEK? I am doing a reasearch paper for school on evolution. I was wondering if i could get some help. What are some serious opposing views on the evolution theory? Also, what would keep anyone from believing in it? Last, How can the scientific evidence supporting it be viewed?
The Evolution Revolution (research paper for school)
by looseend 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
There is an excellent new movie out on the evolution creation "debate" entitled "A Flock of Dodos".
I'd suggest you watch this (it might be hard to find as it was shown at the independent-ish movie house with a panel discussion afterwards) as it covers all of those questions you have.
This movie is made by a marine biologist and interviews both the Intelligent design "biggies" like Michael Behe etc and evolutionary biologists and other scientists.
Have fun! -
No help here, but I'd love to read your paper when you are done.
I'm originally from NJ, what part are you from?
why people believe weird things by MICHAEL SHERMER has something on this edate(he edites SKEPTIC MAGAZINE)
Hear hear for Skeptic mag!
This mag covers everything from aliens + religious stuff to evolution and 9/11 conspiracies.
-K -
Handsome Dan
Since all religions are structured on human ignorance and understanding, the writings of the bible are a typical proof of that fact, the belief in gods was an element of strength and power
for men and you might say it gave men a sense of security. If you read the bible in its whole you'll find that god was the most leading cause of death and destruction and could hardly be
considered a god of love. You could say the bible is a history book of human ignorance and no its not the word of god, it was in written by imperfect men with the intent to spiritualize
Handsome Dan
It would seem that evolution should not be studied on it's own, there just is not enough information there to draw accurate conclusions and gain confidence on it's study or theory.
It should be studied though with other sciences with an open mind set, such as geology, genetics, bio physics and even astral physics to name a few. Once an indeft study on those sciences
has occurred, then a confidence and a probability factor can be obtained from evolution theory and it's understanding. To study it on it's own is futile and unbelievable for anyone to take
on by it's self, there are to many missing pieces in the puzzle to make an accurate and truthful viewpoint.
One bad thing that can be said about religion like the WTS. and others is that they have purposely thwarted attempts for man to discover anything about this world and of himself.
To quote from the WT. universities and collages are godless and immoral institutions and youth should be wise to stay clear of those places " .......something along those lines.
Kind of like any knowledge gained there could and will weaken my power and control, and it would be best not to make such an effort............just to use an example.
Thankfully we can say that man has taken off the box from his head that religion has placed there and we can is now reap the awards of knowledge and understanding !
It would seem that evolution should not be studied on it's own, there just is not enough information there to draw accurate conclusions and gain confidence on it's study or theory.
The study of evolution covers many different aspects of science already, including anthropology, paleoneurology, biology, archeology, etc, just to name a few. There is insurmountable evidence supporting, at least beyond any reasonable doubt that the biblical storyline can’t possibly hold up anymore. If you have a smoking gun in front of you, it has to be assumed that a shot was fired. I agree with most of you post Dan, but I am just not sure if I completely understand the first line of the second post, which I quoted.
Handsome Dan
I guess what I was trying to say was that the study of other sciences helps to support evolution in it's meaning and understanding
Hi looseend, You could try "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins or one of his other books. Obviously he is a pro-evolutionist and his points are powerfully argued but, to be fair, he does look on both sides of the coin and covers many of the opposing views. The notes section at the back gives lots of useful references so you could do further research. Good luck with your paper, Alpha