New Light on Lions Eating Straw ! ? !

by Open mind 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • IP_SEC

    stoopid stoopid dubs

    Will buzzards eat straw too? Meat eaters could turn into carrion eaters just sayin

  • TD
    I've been looking for posts on the Borg moving away from a literal understanding of Isaiah 65:25 and couldn't find any

    Interesting topic.

    I've followed this issue for years and years (At least 30) JW publications go through periods of openly teaching a literal fulfillment of the restoration prophecies followed by long periods of silence. Instead of moving away from this teaching, the pendulum actually seems to be swinging back again. For example, there was a picture in a recent (Within the last year) Watchtower showing a lion grazing alongside a bull.

    This is of course ludicrous because the cat is not able to synthesize taurine, an essential amino acid not found in plant life. As a good friend and veternarian pointed out to me, well meaning vegetarians have actually killed their family pets with the mistaken idea that their housecat could subsist on a similar diet.

  • proplog2

    Woody Allen said: 'The lion shall lie down with the lamb - and the lamb won't get much sleep"

    We could use that model here: "The Lion shall eat straw just like the Ox and he shall wear himself out stalking grass"

  • Kudra

    Noooooo, You morons. The buzzards and lions and other flesh-eating animals will feast for 1000 years on the rotting corpses of dead apostates (left over from the Big A, ya know) they will then be so sickened from the unholy taste of apostate flesh that it will turn them into vegetarians.


    ACTually- Open mind- I read your initial post on this subject and what you gathered from the paragraph at that study and thought it was very astute. The WT totally was writing WEASEL WORDS. I hate it when they do that- the more and more science-savvy people get, the more the WTS has to backpeddle.

    I didn't post to that other topic because I had nothing insightful to add. But I will say that I totally think that they are changing their official stance on the "lion eating straw" thing.

    I just hope they get rid of that G*D D@mn lion-holding-a-beach-ball picture cause it PISSES ME OFF.


  • Paralipomenon

    Can you imagine how pissed off a snake would get trying to fang a blade of grass?

  • M.J.
    The buzzards and lions and other flesh-eating animals will feast for 1000 years on the rotting corpses of dead apostates (left over from the Big A, ya know) they will then be so sickened from the unholy taste of apostate flesh that it will turn them into vegetarians.

    Woah, I hadn't noticed that inconsistency. Animals are supposed to be vegetarians already during the 1000 years, and here they are, supposed to eat up the corpses.

    Will they get any help from flesh-eating microbes? You'd think those would have to be tossed out too.

  • cruzanheart

    Yeah, and look how neurotic the lion in "Madagascar" got when he was deprived of meat.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Thanks for the replies everyone.

    Blondie -- Thanks for the 4/15/00 WT quote. I should have zeroed in on that one when going over the Bible reading with the kids. Instead I found what I thought was a slimy, quiet, "Let's slip this in and hope nobody picks up on it" approach in the Isaiah Prophecy Book, Volume 2. I'm posting from work so I can't paste a full quote, but towards the back of the book, the commentary on Isaiah 65:25 says that lions would "IN EFFECT" eat straw just like the bull, in that they would not harm humans or their domesticated animals. Sounded like a slippery slide toward "new light" to me when I read it.

    Here's the link for my post over in Private Discussion & Support for those who feel like reading the long version which includes the dialogue with my kids and me trying to promote apostate ideas critical thinking skills in their half-washed brains:

    I think I'll latch on to the 2000 WT quote and stick with it as the "present truth" which is pretty hard to swallow.

    Thanks again,

    Open Mind

  • TD

    .....towards the back of the book, the commentary on Isaiah 65:25 says that lions would "IN EFFECT" eat straw just like the bull, in that they would not harm humans or their domesticated animals. Sounded like a slippery slide toward "new light" to me when I read it.

    I get the impression that some on the writing staff know that the teaching is bunk, but they can't openly disagree because older (And probably more powerful) individuals aren't willing to let it go. For years and years, the short features in Awake! giving examples of Jehovah's wisdom through his creation invariably revolved around violations of the "All creation was originally vegetarian" idea.

    These included things like the Ox pecker bird, the Cleaner fish, the Clown fish and Anemone shrimp, etc. etc. All of these were either carnivores themselves or were in symbiotic relationships with carnivores.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Ever looked at the picture of the young woman that turns into an old woman depending on where you focus?

    Same with Borg "weasle words". Read them once and you get one thing. Read them again, particularly after "new light" has officially come out, and you can look back and see the glimmers of "new light" in the test baloon weasle words that were there all along.

    Blondie quoted: 4/15/00 WT. This will be real. Peace will prevail among humans and will be matched by peace with the animals

    When I first read that, I thought, OK, duh, they still say it's literal. Veggie burgers all around for the lions. But on a second fourth reading of it, the weasily "new light" started shining through. Can you see it? "Peace will prevail amonghumans and will be matched by peace withthe animals."

    Sooooo, here's the new light according to my crystal ball: Humans won't be killing each other anymore since peace will prevail among humans. Wild animals won't be killing humans anymore since we will have peace with the animals. But if Mufasa gets a hankering for some tasty gazelle sashimi, the gazelle will be history. How about what TD said?

    TD said: " Instead of moving away from this teaching, the pendulum actually seems to be swinging back again. For example, there was a picture in a recent (Within the last year) Watchtower showing a lion grazing alongside a bull."

    The bull will be safe because Jehovah will miraculously make him stink really bad ( or something equally as wacky ) since the commentary in the Isaiah book made it clear that the lion would not harm humans or their domesticated animals. Question for TD: Have you seen a picture recently showing a wild carniverous predator buddying up with it's former, non-domesticated, pre-Armageddon prey?

    Now granted, they didn't come out and directly say that Bambi's gonna have to watch his back because the "light of truth" is progressive and that much truth all at once would be beyond what us poor little feeble minded dubs could bear.

    One problem with this new light is that it still requires miraculous divine intervention to keep the "wild" animals from eating us humans and our pets, but it won't require reworking the entire biosphere of the planet. So all us "syentific types with our fancy book lernin" will still be required to have enough gullibility faith that Jehovah will be making some sort of force field to keep the lions away from humans and their pets/domesticated animals.

    Then again, the GB might be smoking a completely different brand of wacky tabacky on "new light day", and all my crystal ball prognosticatin' won't mean squat.

    Open Mind

    (of the, "i can see new light behind every bush conspiracy theory", class)

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