Here's the quote from the Isaiah Prophecy Book, Vol II, pg 388, par 33, published in 2001. *** ip-2 chap. 26 p. 388 par. 33 “Be Joyful Forever in What I Am Creating” *** How far-reaching will the promised peace and security be? Jehovah concludes this portion of the prophecy: “‘The wolf and the lamb themselves will feed as one, and the lion will eat straw just like the bull; and as for the serpent, his food will be dust. They will do no harm nor cause any ruin in all my holy mountain,’ Jehovah has said.” (Isaiah 65:25) When the faithful Jewish remnant return to their homeland, they will be under Jehovah’s care. A lion will, in effect, eat straw like a bull, for the lion will do no harm to the Jews or their domestic animals. Open Mind
New Light on Lions Eating Straw ! ? !
by Open mind 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
dark angle
This teaching is full gigantic holes, a haw-Shaw. not only it upsets our planets ecological balance but it show that God was all right wrong in creating the earth since predatory activities of living creatures existed millions of years before Adam & eve sinned!!!! If the WTBS is correct, then God was mistaken for millions of years in designing our world.
Open mind
Well, my "New Light" theory just got bashed by last Sunday's WT lesson.
Page 8 has a picture of a lion sitting on a rock within pouncing distance of non-domestic prey animals (deer) and he's not even slobbering.
So, I'm assuming Jehovah will tweak his DNA so he can start making his own taurine (thanks TD) and while he's at it probably get rid of those unnecessary fangs and get some good grinding molars.
And perhaps a secondary stomach like a cow wouldn't hurt either.
I can hear that Lion moo, no longer needing to roar to scare prey.
God created a "circle of life", there is no reason for God to "change his mind".
Open mind
"The lion will moo just like the bull."
Dissed 11:7
TJ - iAmCleared2Land
Can you imagine how pissed off a snake would get trying to fang a blade of grass?
That caused uncontrollable uncontained laughter. At work. Out loud. Thanks!
Open mind
WT or CBS conductor trying to stretch time: "So, friends, what are YOU PERSONALLY looking forward to doing in the New System? Brother OM?"
OM: "I'm looking forward to tasting Lion Cheese."
Conductor: (Has a WTF look on his face)
OM: "Yep. I'm gonna go milk a mama lion then make cheese out of it. The 'friends' will come from miles around to barter for my Lion Cheese. Yum, yum. Can't wait. I'm picturing it in my mind just like the WT tells me to. I'm tasting it and smelling it. It has a subtle hint of cat pee, but you get used to it after a while."
Think about the joyous sight of a cheetah feeding in the new system. Since we all know that Jah has a purpose for all of his creation it would be reasonable to think that the cheetah's speed will not be wasted. The cheetah will dine on only the freshest of leaves. But since cheetahs can not climb how will they be able to reach the abundance of leaves in the trees. This has already been provided for by our loving creator. As in the garden of eden the wind will blow in the afternoon and evenings. This will allow nourishment at the proper time as the leaves are provided for the cheetah. What a sight it will be to watch each cheetah use its speeds to chase down each leaf caught in the evening wind.