JW are total Bullies

by sandy 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sandy

    My grandmother passed away the other night. It was expected; she's been sick in/out of the hospital for a while now. Most of us are more relieved than anything else because she has been so miserable these last six months or longer.

    My Grandma was not religious. She believed in God/Heaven but never really took to going to church.

    Well of course my JW family had to bully their way into having my brother give the memorial service. The majority of the family is not witnesses. They all believe my Grandma went to heaven with my Grandfather.

    Tonight my brother is going to tell them that she is dead, asleep awaiting the resurrection. And he'll try to put a positive spin on it . . . But he'll basically say:

    The only way you'll see your mother/grandmother/friend/sister again is if you study the bible with J-dubs and go to meetings.

    I get so pissed off! Even when I was a witness I would have taken other people's feelings and beliefs into consideration and thought it wrong to stick a J-dub up there to preach and count time

  • DannyHaszard

    My condolences on your loss

    My beloved JW mother died in 2002 and not only was I not told about it I didn't find out until i looked in up in federal SSA database.

    Bullies? Watchtower you are a thuggy menace to society and an abomination to the God whose name that you blaspheme.-Danny Haszard

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    My condolences on the passing of your Grandmother.

    There is no depth too low for JW's to stoop to.

    Those attending the service will likely discern that.



  • Dagney

    I'm so sorry for your loss.

    The JW funerals are the worse aren't they. They piss me off beyond belief.

    Do whatever you can to get through it without letting them get to you.

  • BFD

    So sorry for your loss.

    A JW sent me some pamphlets about the resurrection when my father died. In my grief, I was so enraged and wrote her a scathing letter which in hindsight could have been taken as a threat on her life. Never heard another peep out of Sister Asshole again. But yes, they are bullies.


  • IP_SEC

    Dub funerals are just a 30 min ad for the Watchtower Society.

    From the S-32 funeral talk 11/90

    (Note: Instead of eulogizing the deceased, use the material in this outline to give a fine witness concerning the truth....

    Purpose of talk is to uphold Jehovah God as a God of love and mercy and at the same time bring comfort to the bereaved.)

  • sandy

    Thanks for the condolences.

  • ex-nj-jw


    Sorry for your loss!!


  • MinisterAmos

    Some perfect examples of what the WatchTower calls "persecution" going on here. What the WT hides from its gullible members is that this is not actually persecution, but retribution for their offensive actions.

    Persecution is discrimination much like what was practiced against the Jews during WW2 or any type of racial discrimination.

  • greendawn

    They try to entice people in this way to accept the authority of their org because in this way they will see their dead loved ones again, it is one of their lures on top of everlasting life etc things the dubs have been expecting for 100 years now. Revelation states: and the rest of the dead did not come to life until the 1 000 years were finished.


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