Welcome Yrs2long! It sounds as if it is going whirlwind fast for you. I think that is good. I see some folks who it almost seems as if they wish to make a monument to their pain, in regards to Witness life. In other words, they take leaving the organization so slowly, it is as if they are clinging to the tits of their mother, deathly afraid of ??? I don't know exactly what, but letting go is certainly part of it.
Anyway, it went very quick for me. Like you, I obsessed (and perhaps still do) with research and getting and staying informed with all the "dirt" on the org. One tip: why "decide" that the JW indoctrination will be with you and affect you deeply for a long time? Why not instead assume that with clear lenses, your perspective will change for the better, and soon? Attitude is everything, and it sounds as if you have a good one.
It is almost exactly a year for me, since I saw a better, more kind, life saving, loving interpretation of the scriptures on the blood issue. At the time, it was very nice to find that I didn't even have to believe that God was the sort who would want your life in exchange for a symblol of life. Now, I don't even know for sure that God exist, but if he/she/it does, I feel sure the He/she/it is not petty.
I'm excited for you. Live well.