A person who partakes of the emblems "should not be judged"!

by slimboyfat 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat

    The new QFR states:

    How should a person be viewed who has determined in his heart that he is now anointed and begins to partake of the emblems at the Memorial? He should not be judged. The matter is between him and Jehovah. (Romans 14:12)

    But ironically the article appears to go on to give the criteria for doing exactly that. Not so subtle hints as to how a person's claim should be carefully scrutinised include:

    1. They must not be the sort that claim "special attention", or that they have more "insights" or "holy spirit".

    2. They must not insist they be "appointed elders in the congregation".

    3. They must be viewed as "spiritually strong".

    4 They must display "fruits of the spirit".

    5. They must "work hard" in preaching.

    6. If they are sisters they must not presume to "teach" in the congregation.

    And most importantly,

    7. They must work "under the direction of the governing body".

    My goodness, for people who "should not be judged" there certainly seems to be a large invitation for general members of the congregation to evaluate members who "determine in their heart" that they are anointed.

    Is seems that when the Watchtower writer says new anointed ones "should not be judged", what he really means is that they be judged strictly according to the criteria set out explicitly in the article, and not according to any other standard that Witnesses might be tempted to make up on their own. God forbid that genial, clever or (shock horror) charismatic individuals should be accepted as anointed without adhering strictly to the Watchtower's prescribed traits for "genuine" anointed ones.


  • Crumpet

    Very good points slimboyfat! Its just an excellent example of how they twist any and every scripture to suit their own purposes.

  • Blueblades

    Hi SBF! All seven points apply to all Jehovah's Witnesses! Now they take those points to apply only to new ones who begin to partake of the emblems. Whether one is a partaker or not those seven points are applicable to all baptized Jehovah's Witnesses. Thanks for sharing that QFR article with us. They have always been judgemental .


  • Dismembered

    It's time to get "outta" Dodge slimboyfat.


  • Gill

    So there's a whole list there on things they ARE to be judged on!

    Why is this NOT surprising!

    The WTBTS....never changes!

  • OnTheWayOut
    All seven points apply to all Jehovah's Witnesses!

    What the Governing Body is implicating is that THEY ARE IN CHARGE!!!!

    If someone claims to be anointed, they are to be held to a high standard of obedience.
    They are not to be judged- yeah right.

    My personal take on this is that this is a way to belittle any claims of being anointed.
    They will cause the local BOE to snicker about anybody's claim unless he's a totally
    assimilated Brooklyn ORGanization follower. It also serves to keep these supposedly
    anointed quiet. "We said they don't have any special insight, and are to be followers
    of the organization. They should not be trying to advance ANY ideas, just supporting
    our ideas."

    If someone does everything the Brooklyn ORGanization says, and claims to be anointed,
    then they are helping the members to remain in line, so they won't judge them.

  • Gill

    I was just remembering the two elderly 'remnant' sisters that used to be in our former cong.

    People laughed at them, criticised them and treated them even more cruelly than they usually do single JW women.

    The were not second class, but third class!

    They both died alone and neglected in care homes. However, the cong was very happy to receive their estates in their wills!

  • Dismembered

    We had two in our congregation who partook of the emblems some years back. One was a tyrant elder, whos wife hardly ever made meetings. The only time she'd come is if there was nothing better on TV. The other "partaker" was a middle aged woman who doesn't go anymore. Blame her partaking on menopause. Nevertheless SHE, (not the tyrant "elder") was counseled from the podium by one of the other congregation tyrants AT THE MEMORIAL. He was all but telling her from the stage why she should not partake. What a laughing stock he made out of her. It was not long after she stopped going, which was a GOOD thing.

    This new light on not judging partakers is just more watchtower bullshit. "Elders" will do WHATEVER the hell they want to.



    The annointed may work for God..But..God works for the WBT$..God wouldn`t have a job without the WBT$..LOL!...OUTLAW

  • Narkissos

    Good remarks, even though (contrary to the dropping of 1935 and the subsequent "replacement" theory) that part is not new. Years ago, as I remember, it was already "between them and Jehovah," with strong suggestion that the new partakers might be ambitious, under "Babylonish" influence, or plain loonies -- the latter must be toned down because it casts some suspicion on the newer/younger GB members.

    The GB as an institution now feels strong enough to clearly state that individual "anointed" JWs have no authority (i.e., nobody will dare to ask the GB where their authority comes from, and if someone does s/he will automatically disqualify him/herself).

    One thing I wonder, though, is whether new partakers are currently, or will be, submitted (as I and a friend of mine were) to a "routine doctrinal checkup" some time after the Memorial, to separate the "apostates" from the "anointed".

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