by Terry 20 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • kid-A

    "How about specific comments pertaining to the above for a change rather than simply policy wank rants??"

    Terry implores, just before cutting and pasting a right-wing rant from one of the biggest neo-con "policy wonks" in the US. LMAO.....


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Opinions can be categorized as having a right wing or left wing bias.

    Facts can not be categorized as having a right wing or left wing bias.

    There are a plethora of opinions on GW, yet very few facts to indicate other than a small percentage of Global Warming is caused by human activity.

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -Albert Einstein

    "Prophesy is a good line of business, but it is full of risks".-Mark Twain

  • Clam

    Brother Apostate I like your style.

    "There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact." - Mark Twain

    "Within any important issue, there are always aspects no one wishes to discuss." - George Orwell

  • P&C
    P&C an understatement!

    Political INcorrectness... at it's finest...


  • DanTheMan

    It must be painful for Terry to entertain the thought that Ayn Rand Industrialist philosophy might have a few t's uncrossed and a few i's undotted, in some unanticipated yet possibly devastating places.

    I know, not specific to the GW debate. I think of these things more along the lines of, a persons philosophical outlook has as much to do with their read on Global Warming as anything. I have yet to see any conversions from one side to the other on this board.

    Thomas Sowell, a man who is religiously free-market capitalist, do you think that just maybe his worldview could affect his interpretation of the evidence on GW? Do you think he just might be a little guilty of seeking out sources that validate his own philosophy? We're probably all that way, to greater or lesser degrees.

  • Quentin

    Sigh....and the beat goes on...both sides wave the bloody shirt. Sometimes one side more than the other. Both sides of this issue have an agenda. Neither, scientist, politians, left, right, doesn't matter, give a goats chin whiskers for the commom weal. Their power base and agends is all they seek to care for.

    We're cooling off, we're heating up...death and destruction right around the corner....any day now...Guess we'll have to wait for that big ass asteroid to come plunging toward the earth, you know like the big one that wiped out the dinosaurs, to know for sure the end is coming.

    Till then I'm going to enjoy my life and my family. Just don't have the time for the mantra of death and destruction...

    Oh and before anybody cracks wise. I'm all for a clean enviroment. Just don't fob off a bunch of pesduo-science, from either side, and tell me it was handed down from above. I've already lived like that once, aint gonna do it again....

  • Gregor

    Who has become the figurehead/spokesman for the MKGW issue? Why, none other than ALGORE and his biggest supporters, liberal Hollywood flakes! That alone speaks volumnes about what the MKGW is really all about.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Yea, and thus spaketh the Goreacle: "And there shalll be a pestilence of heat upon the land, upon both Man and beast, and yea, it shall smite the land such that the icecaps shall melt, unless thoust does sacrifice thy automobile and thy factory and thoust shall not support all thy lobbyists that fund my opposition, and, if thou shalt not, ye shall surely die, or, if thou shalt not die, thou shalt make me very angry due to my being exposed as a charlatan, and the whole world shall know that I drink the Kool-Aid." BA- And the story ended happily ever after...

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Here, here, Clam!!

    The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage. -Mark Russell

  • Terry

    Sigh....and the beat goes on...both sides wave the bloody shirt. Sometimes one side more than the other. Both sides of this issue have an agenda. Neither, scientist, politians, left, right, doesn't matter, give a goats chin whiskers for the commom weal. Their power base and agends is all they seek to care for.

    We're cooling off, we're heating up...death and destruction right around the corner....any day now...Guess we'll have to wait for that big ass asteroid to come plunging toward the earth, you know like the big one that wiped out the dinosaurs, to know for sure the end is coming.

    Till then I'm going to enjoy my life and my family. Just don't have the time for the mantra of death and destruction...

    Oh and before anybody cracks wise. I'm all for a clean enviroment. Just don't fob off a bunch of pesduo-science, from either side, and tell me it was handed down from above. I've already lived like that once, aint gonna do it again....

    Hear! Hear!! So say we all!!

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