Installment # 4 - The Pre-Armageddon Years

by AK - Jeff 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Dismembered

    Greetings AK - Jeff

    A fine read. Thanks for posting.


  • Rabbit

    1975. What an interesting, exciting and scary year that was for faithful Witnesses.

    1976. That's the year that really tested our absolute faith in the GB, wasn't it ?

    *sigh* Jeff, I've been reading your installments to my never-been-a-dub new wife. Even tho' she's a "worldly ™ " person, you're getting a for painting such a good picture. You're helping her understand -- me, back then and just 'how' I ever got involved in such a destructive cult that took the life of my Mom [blood], destroyed my marriage, resulting in shunning by my children...etc, etc, so many others here.

    If you do write a book, I think some of your readers will be people like my wife...people that are associated with JW's or Ex-JW's. These folks are just dumb-founded, why, otherwise intelligent people ever got involved with such a hateful, destructive religion.

    The way you write helps explain that mystery. Even to myself.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    The way you write helps explain that mystery. Even to myself.


    I think it helps explain to my own self. Better than most therapy I think. Still, I look back over those years, and wonder outloud sometimes 'Why in the hell didn't I get it back then?'


  • bikerchic

    Great reading Jeff! Can't wait to read the next installment.

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