Cant really explain to much at the mo am emotionally numb but think I may be about to bring an end to my marriage,,,,,,,,,,and inside I am falling apart
Could do with a little help
by fifi40 17 Replies latest jw friends
I suggest some serious crying.
Good for the body and soul.
Try not to get lost in the drama your mind will create over whatever happened. Feel what it's like in the moment to breath and wordlessly feel sad...without a story.
I cant seem to cry at the moment James,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,just feel totally lost
Sad emo
whenever you're able, we're listening.
Sad emo
Sending you some positive healing thoughts.
Im sorry fifi.........I did not cry for a long long long seriously long time when my marriage came to an end.
How long have you been married and do you have children?
No matter if a marriage is good or bad ........there is always grief at the loss.
thinking of you
im feeling ya....i have so been there
pm me if you wanna talk
My heart goes out to you! Hang on, take it one minute at a time and breathe. It will get better. This great group of people will hold your hand all the way if you let them.
I am really sorry that you are going through this. The end of a marriage no mater how good or bad it was, is very heartwrenching. It is the end of a dream, you have to grieve just like you do when someone dies. Venting is really good, there is alot of healing in writing also. Vent away, we are here for you.
I am sure you are feeling numb...ending a union is just like a death.But try to remember ,life does go on & though you cannot see how at this moment -because your shocked.I am sure in a few months you will look up & say "Im feeling a lot better"
I am the Granny on board & I dont know how your spiritual life is but I found when I went through losing my husband & 3 kids in death ( the first one I didnt know God ,so didnt pray) That my faith helped me here goes.You can delete if not wanted
" Dear Heavenly Father Creator of the Heaven & earth,our friend here is hurting over the loss of a loved one,You know why, Lord ,we dont have to know but we do ask that YOU take her hand & lead her through this valley, help her to cry as weeping sometimes washes away the feeling of dispair. We leave her in the care of the HOLY SPIRIT who YOU promised would be our comforter,I ask all this in the name above all others JESUS CHRIST Amen"