wow, what a response!

by Matt_fs 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Abandoned

    I think the bottom line is that he never addressed your issues. He just told you that your desire for information was leaving you as a dangerous person with questionable motives. Why did he need to redirect the conversation? Why did he need to turn it around into being an issue of your faith? What does that organization fear about valid questions?

  • jwfacts

    Cults implant "thought stopping" into their members. In some cults a difficult question will invoke chanting, with the WTS deflection to "where else would we go?" is most common. What has happened is your questions have turned on the "thought stopping" that the Watchtower implants into their followers. It will be very hard to get through if he is scared of leaving.

    I would structure a response around the lines that the WTS is not unique. Maybe start by saying that what you are interested in is knowing truth, and what you have found is that followers of many religions think that only they know truth and that God will destroy every else, an offensive concept to people of any other religion. They all say that they have "undeniable core truths."

    What is upsetting is not only that the Watchtower falsely prophecied about 1914 being Armageddon, but now they are dishonest about what they said (See

    In regards to his comment about Jehovah, your friend obviously is unaware that the name Jehovah never appeared in the New Testament and the WTS has deceptively added it. Doing so undermines the accuracy of the entire Bible. There is info about this at

  • AlphaOmega
    One that teaches us God's name and the importance of it?

    Hmmmn, keeping my comments to a minimum, I submit the following Watchtower quotes.

    Exhibit 1 - From the 1972 Bible In Living English published by Watchtower


    Read past the highlight (Spelling and pronounciation are not highly important)

    Exhibit 2 - Introduction from the 1969 Kingdom Interlinear Translation (also to be found in 1950 NWT)


    Exhibit 3 - Also from the Kingdom Interlinear Translation


    So it seems that by their own admission, the Watchtower Society are fully aware of the innacuracy of using the name "Jehovah", but prefer to do it because they follow tradition set by Christendom !

    How would you like it if someone kept on calling you by the wrong name, even though they knew it was wrong?

    Exhibit 4 - God's View on these things

    Look out: perhaps there may be someone who will carry YOU off as his prey through the philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary things of the world and not according to Christ;

    [Colossians 2:8 NWT]

    ...and thus YOU make the word of God invalid by YOUR tradition which YOU handed down. And many things similar to this YOU do."

    [Mark 7:13 NWT]

  • Gill

    'Undeniable Core Truths' - Cult talk! ' Only we are right and this is 'obviously' to anyone but an idiot correct! ' Ultimate Mind Control tactic!

  • Gill

    'Instead of trying to think.....' Yes! DON'T THINK! or as my mother said, 'Your problem is that you think TOO much! Just accept the Truth!'

  • Gill

    'Instead of trying to think.....' Yes! DON'T THINK! or as my mother said, 'Your problem is that you think TOO much! Just accept the Truth!'

  • Gill

    The only answer I can give to a Jehovah's Witness these days is 'I'm old enough to know Bull Shit when I smell it! And the Watchtower society reeks of it!'

  • Stealth453







    That was the funniest thing I have read since I left the borg and they said I was doomed.

    Drink the freaking kool-aide you drones.

  • Honesty

    Don't throw your pearls before swine.

  • Gill

    Great answer, Honesty!

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