Hiring a new fellow today and they must be white.

by hambeak 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • hambeak

    As some of you know I am a manager of an auto repair place that does it all.

    The owner is Ethiopian and hates blacks.

    I had a great guy there who is black and did a great job. The owner absolutely was rude and nasty to him calling him an animal and ordered him fired because he was slow in getting things done.

    I am caught in the middle cuz I need my job to pay the bills so no more black or mexican workers just white folks even though most I have seen are not motivated or see something that has to be done so now I am a baby sitter and have to let them know what has to be done every minute of the day.

    Oh well such is the life working for foreigners here in the usa.

  • Elsewhere

    What he is doing is a blatant violation of federal laws.

  • BFD

    We certainly do live in a melting pot. I need an oil change.


  • MsMcDucket

    Most of the foreign blacks that I have met do think that they are better than American blacks or blacks born in America. They think that we are lazy and that we have no culture. It's weird. They may like you for something odd, like having twins. I lived down the street from a couple from Nigeria. She would come to my house every other day or so and say that she wished that she had twins. She all ready had 3 small kids. She ended up getting pregnant with triplets. I didn't have nothing to do with it, but I was always welcomed in her home.

    I remember when I got a new job at another hospital. The aid says come on so I can show you the rounds!? I was like okay. Went with her to see the rounds. Then she found out that I was the Charge Nurse. The foreign blacks seem to respect the blacks that have gotten an education. I worked with a Nigerian LPN. She would always say to me "I wish I had twins". She ended up having twins!?

    After that, I told people to not say that around me because you might just get what you ask for. Back to the point, yeah, many do have a high distain for us native blacks.

  • hambeak

    Prejudice really sucks!

    I have been a victim of it myself and it is terrible.

    It is too bad people are so damn ignorant.

  • Abandoned

    Good luck dealing with that hambeak.

  • nvrgnbk

    Unfotunately, this kind of prejudice and abuse of power goes on within most foreign groups. Tragically and most ironically, those that should be first to offer a helping hand, are often too busy sticking a knife in the back with the other. Each of us can do our part to make this place a little more bearable.

    Your sensitivity is appreciated and reciprocated, hambeak.


  • Bstndance

    That is so sad. I would leave it up to your boss to do the hiring, I wouldn't want to get in the middle of anything litigious.

  • nvrgnbk
    I would leave it up to your boss to do the hiring,

    Very smart suggestion, Bstndance.

  • littlerockguy

    What goes around comes around and one of these days he is going to get the shit sued out of him for his blatent discrimination if it can be proven and if there is someone willing to push it with the right lawyer.

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