When I lived farther up country..I had a car load of dub ladys come to the Ranch..I told them they supported an organization that would kill everyone but JW`s.Thats what I was taught when I was a kid..They said "No",That decision will be made at armageddon..???..I figuered "Theocratic Warefare Stratagey"..They were lying to me!.....I talked to my mom a few years later and made the same comment..She said "No,that decision will be made at armageddon.???.This is the person that taught that doctrine to me.I just rolled my eyes.More "Theocratic Warefare Stratagey".That woman woud lie in a heart beat for the WBT$.....Yesterday the subject came up on a thread and hillary_step said the comment is true.....hillary and I have been friends for years,he totally blew me away..I could`nt believe what I was reading..He said the change had been made in the "90`s".....So now I have some questions for those who are more up to date on this subject than I..hillary_step,if your kick`n around please chime in.......#1:When did the WBT$ decied to quit preaching only the JW`s would get into the New System?..#2If you no longer need to be a JW to get into the New System,why bother?..#3:Dieing at armageddon because your not a JW,was a gun to your head to join the JW`s.What do they use now?.....This isn`t the same religion I walked away from decades ago..This,the UN scandel,the generation change,blood factions now acceptable..The WBT$ is morphing before our eyes and JW`s dont see it..LOL!!..It`s not a religion its an insane asylum...OUTLAW
You no longer need to be a JW to get into the New System..???
by OUTLAW 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You're being childish, Outlaw. Since arguing with them in the 60s, they showed me the scriptures that CHRIST would be judging the hearts in the Day of Fury, and that there probably WOULD be many spared that weren't JWs- but that only He would make that call- after all, the scriptures usually show that only those listening to God & Christ (2 Thess 1:8) will be spared. And if you don't believe the group you're a part of are True Christians, you have SERIOUS problems!
However, in YOUR defense, the magazine writers sometimes Flip-Flop on this, saying things implying ONLY faithful JWs will be spared- sometimes as above. Face it; people screw up!
The WTS has taught up until 1995 that the separating of the sheep and goats was in process. That this was a judgment period and that when people died not baptized as a JW, they went straight to Gehenna. That is why the WTS danced around the issue of the future of a non-JW who died during that period. In 1995, the separating work was moved forward to the beginning of the great tribulation, meaning that if a non-JW dies today he/she goes to Sheol/Hades and can be resurrected.
But does that mean that people who are non-JWs at the beginning of the GT are going to live through it. Remember what is also part of the beginning of the GT, the destruction of Babylon the Great and everyone in it. The remaining surviving non-JWs will not suddenly become JWs but instead will try and destroy all JWs under Satan's influence.
*** w97 2/15 p. 29 Questions From Readers ***"
The Watchtower" of August 15, 1996, said: "In the final part of the tribulation, ‘flesh’ that has fled to Jehovah’s side will be saved." Is that suggesting that after the first phase of the great tribulation, many new ones will come over to God’s side?
That was not the point being made.
Jesus’ words found at Matthew 24:22 will primarily be fulfilled in the future by a salvation through the first part of the coming great tribulation, the attack on religion. The article said: "Recall that ‘flesh,’ both of the anointed remnant and of the ‘great crowd,’ already will have been saved when Babylon the Great goes down swiftly and completely in the first part of the tribulation."
Such faithful ones will be in no danger when Jesus and his heavenly army act in the final part of the tribulation. But who will thus pass through that phase of the tribulation? Revelation 7:9, 14 shows that a great crowd having an earthly hope will survive. What of spirit-anointed Christians? "Questions From Readers" in TheWatchtower of August 15, 1990, discussed why we cannot be dogmatic about when the remnant of anointed ones will be taken to heaven. So the recent article (August 15, 1996) left the matter open, making the general comment: "Likewise in the final part of the tribulation, ‘flesh’ that has fled to Jehovah’s side will be saved."
As to whether any new ones may be able to learn the truth and come over to God’s side after the great tribulation begins, note Jesus’ words recorded at Matthew 24:29-31. After the outbreak of the tribulation, the sign of the Son of man will appear. Jesus said that all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves and lament. He did not say anything about people waking up to the situation, repenting, taking God’s side, and becoming true disciples.
Similarly, in the parable of the sheep and the goats, the Son of man appears and judicially separates people on the basis of what they had done or not done in the past. Jesus said nothing about people who long displayed goatlikeattributes suddenly turning around and becoming like sheep. He comes to judge on the basis of what people had already proved to be.—Matthew 25:31-46.
But, again, there is no reason to be dogmatic on this point. God’s people, both of the anointed and of the great crowd, know what they have to do now—preach and make disciples. (Matthew 28:19, 20; Mark 13:10) Right now is the period for us to take to heart the exhortation: "Working together with him, we also entreat you not to accept the undeserved kindness of God and miss its purpose. For he says: ‘In an acceptable time I heard you, and in a day of salvation I helped you.’ Look! Now is the especially acceptable time. Look! Now is the day of salvation."—2 Corinthians 6:1, 2.
darth frosty
people screw up
Mad I cant believe this is how you brush off a flip flop of doctrine. Sure the witness have said out the corner of their mouth that God judges in the finale hour. What they scream out the whole mouth is that only those associated with 'Jehovah's earthly organization' can be assured of salvation.
This is a classic case of them using what I like to call 'back-up doctrine', to make there beliefs more reasonable to the uninitiated. On to the original post, they really started pushing the god judges in the finale hour when they changed the generation doctrine.
Greetings OUTLAW,
We'll just have to wait and see. Get the lawn chairs out, I'll bring the Labatts Blue.
Mad, we left in the early 90s. The judgement being left to Christ is a technicality, every JW that I ever knew believed that Christ WOULD judge that only ACTIVE JWs were fit to survive. It's another example of their 'double speak'.
Cellist -
Blondie..Thanks for the post..In your response you say the remaining surviving "Non JW`s"..There will be Non JW`s that survive???..LOL!!..Like I say,this is not the religion I walked away from......BadBoy..According to New WBT$ Rules you have as good a chance as anybody..God might decied to kill you later though!..LOL!!.....Mad..Your post makes no sense.I grew up in this cult,don`t try to educate me on lessons I had beaten into me.....Darth Frosty..Keep Rock`n.....Dismembered..Sounds good..I`ll bring a bottle of Scotch and a Couple of Cuban Cigars..LOL!!...OUTLAW
Per the WTS who will survive Armageddon:
*** w99 12/1 p. 18 par. 15 Be Happy Readers of the Book of Revelation ***
The message is clear: If we want to survive Armageddon, we must remain spiritually alert and keep the symbolic garments that identify us as faithful Witnesses of Jehovah God.
*** w96 1/15 p. 17 par. 9 Jehovah’s Sheep Need Tender Care ***
If they agree that the unbaptized publisher has a reasonable understanding of Bible teachings and qualifies in other ways, they will tell him that he may be baptized. As a result of his dedication and baptism, he becomes ‘marked’ for salvation.—Ezekiel 9:4-6.
*** w89 1/15 p. 20 par. 20 How Baptism Can Save Us ***I
n ancient times, slaves were often marked on the forehead. By the preaching work today, the antitypical ‘man clothed in linen’—the remnant of Jesus’ anointed followers—is ‘marking’ those who will survive the end of this system. In this work the anointed are assisted by their associates, the "other sheep." (Ezekiel 9:1-7; John 10:16) And what is the "mark"? It is the evidence that we are dedicated to Jehovah and are Jesus’ baptized disciples who have a Christlike personality.
Especially now is it vital that we have the "mark" and retain it, for we are deep into "the time of the end." (Daniel 12:4) To be saved we must ‘endure to the end’ of our present life or of this system. (Matthew 24:13) Only if we thus remain faithful as witnesses of Jehovah will baptism save us
*** w89 9/1 p. 19 par. 7 Remaining Organized for Survival Into the Millennium ***
Only Jehovah’s Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil. (Revelation 7:9-17; 2 Corinthians 4:4) They will make up the "flesh" that Jesus Christ said would be saved through the worst tribulation of all human history.
*** w57 7/1 p. 416 Announcements ***.
It is only true worshipers of Jehovah today, those who learn of God’s gracious provision for safety and act on it, who will receive his protection at the war of Armageddon. To be under that protection means life; to be outside it means death.
I left in 2004ish. My understanding (and I never really studied hard) was that if a person knew the "troof" and turned their back on it then that was it. If they never knew the "troof" then they would get into the newsystem and get a chance to learn it then and make their mind up at the end of the 1000 years when god says "so are you going to do as I say or do you want to die?"
So religious leaders who tell their flock to not listen to the dubs die but the flock might not.