Hello all,
I am after some information about the "Smurf ban" of the 1980s...
Does anyone have anything in writing / scans or mp3s (even hinted at) ???
Thanks all
by AlphaOmega 11 Replies latest jw friends
Hello all,
I am after some information about the "Smurf ban" of the 1980s...
Does anyone have anything in writing / scans or mp3s (even hinted at) ???
Thanks all
I'm not sure how this topic ended up in this category.
I guess that it got a lot to do with me being a Newbie !!
Smurfageddon ?
I've seen this mentioned here before too, and I thought about posting the same thing. I was raised in "the truth", grew up in the 80's, and I watched the Smurfs almost every weekend. I never heard of them being bad before. I do remember He-Man being frowned upon though.
I can't recall ever seeing anything in writing. The Smurf thing seems to be more JW legend than anything else. The stories circulated (generally prefixed by "A circuit overseer said...") about a smurf toy that got up and walked out of a Kingdom Hall. Sometimes he said something profane, sometimes he said something that a demon would be expected to say. But the story in one form or another seems to have reached almost every JW at some point.
My stepdad, who was a MS, was told by the elder's during a meeting that the smurfs were demonized. That's when all the stories were going around. But I don't remember anything in writing. We were told we had to "follow the directions of the elders' at all times, no matter what the situation".
Thread here from 2002, didn't seem to get anywhere then, no mention in Watchtower library
I'm too young to know about the smurf thing, but I do know that when I was a kid in the 90s, I wasn't allowed to have those troll things (kupees or so mething???) that were really popular...they were little plastic figurines with brightly colored hair coming out the top. I was always scared of those things cuz I thought they were demonized.